Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 2012;olume 26:1-7.


This study aimed to investigate the usage of Behavioural Cognitive approach in group counselling on social anxiety among adolescents. This study also identified social anxiety sympthoms and social situations that cause anxiety among them. A total of 72 secondary school students from one particular school in Terengganu participated in this experimental study. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics and ANOVA test. Results revealed that there was a significant difference in the mean score of Social Anxiety Scale for Adolesence – SASA in the post test between the control and treatment group, F(1,70) =1.068, p<0.05. This indicates that the Cognitive Behavioural approach in group counselling was found to be effective in reducing social anxiety among adolescents in group counselling. It was also found that the sympthoms that caused social anxiety included having rapid heart beat, difficulty in giving attention, experincing chills, and empty thoughts. The social situations that were found to be significant in increasing social anxiety were when they felt being observed by others, doing something in public, talking or giving a speech infront of a big or small audience, facing a stranger,and being the main attraction in any social context.