The adult population and species composition of mosquitoes collected in Ranau, Sabah
are described. A total of 5956 mosquitoes representing 8 genera and 41 species were collected
using human landing catch, indoor and outdoor. Anopheles maculatus was the most common
species (15.6%) followed by Culex quinquefasciatus (12.8%), Culex pseudovishnui (12.1%),
A n o p h e l e s b a l a b a c e n s i s ( 1 1 . 1 % ) , C u l e x v i s h n u i ( 9 . 7 % ) , A e d e s v e x a n s ( 9 . 6 % ) , C u l e x
tritaeniorhyncus (6.6%), Anopheles donaldi (5.6%) and others in very small percentage.