A case of retropharyngeal abscess complicated is reported and its management is outlined. Key words: Retropharyngeal abscess,Complication, Pericardities, Mediastinal abscess
We describe the case of a 48 year old Indian female with hypercalcemia due to tuberculosis. She presented with symptoms of hypercalcemia and chest radiographs showed bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy with normal lung fields. The diagnosis of tuberculosis was made histologically from biopsy of the enlarged hilar nodes. Her hypercalcemia resolved following one month of anti-tuberculous treatment. The prevalence of hypercalcemia in tuberculosis has been reported to be high in western series. There is, however, a paucity of local data on the subject. The presence of 1-alpha-hydroxylase-like activity in pulmonary alveolar macrophages with resulting increased formation of active vitamin D metabolites is the postulated mechanism of tuberculosis associated hypercalcemia.
A 43-year-old lady with type 2 diabetes mellitus and bronchial asthma presented with varicella zoster infection, dyspnea, and neck fullness. An urgent computed tomography scan revealed a mediastinal abscess with superior vena cava thrombus. Blood, mediastinal pus, and swab from a vesiculopustule on the neck cultured group A beta hemolytic Streptococcus. She recovered with a combination of broad spectrum antimicrobials, antivirals, and surgical drainage. This case illustrates the rare occurrence of mediastinal abscess and acute superior vena cava obstruction caused by group A beta hemolytic Streptococcus complicating adult varicella zoster.