A review of gestational trophoblastic disease diagnosed at the Department of Pathology, University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur from January 1989 to December 1990 using established histological criteria showed 25 complete hydatidiform moles (CHM), 11 partial hydatidiform moles (PHM), 1 invasive mole and 2 choriocarcinoma. The ages of the patients with CHM ranged from 21 to 43 years (mean = 28.5 years) and PHM 20 to 33 years (mean = 27.5 years). The invasive mole occurred in a 42-year-old Malay woman. The two patients with choriocarcinoma were both Chinese and 41 and 46-years old respectively. During the same period, 1,062 non-molar abortions and 13,115 births, inclusive of livebirths and stillbirths were recorded at the University Hospital. The incidence rate of hydatidiform moles was thus estimated to be 1:384 pregnancies. PHM constituted 30% of all molar pregnancies. Hydatidiform moles occurred among the Malays, Chinese and Indians at the rate of 2.43, 2.66 and 3.29 per 1,000 pregnancies respectively. It appears that hydatidiform molar pregnancy has the highest prevalence among the Indians, a finding similar to an earlier Singapore study.