Malaria is still a very real threat to health in S.E. Asia including Malaysia. While there has been a dramatic fall in the number of cases and also the number of deaths from the disease in Malaysia cases are still occurring and there has actually been a rise in the number of deaths in the past year. Parts of Perak and the East Coast states are still high risk areas in Peninsular Malaysia. While 95 percent of the population of Peninsular Malaysia is now malaria-free there has also been a concomitant loss of herd immunity which means that if a non-immune person contracts falciparum malaria he stands a greater chance of a fatal outcome. Doctors and other health personnel should be more malaria conscious and make a practice of making blood films of all cases of fever. This is especially important in the rural areas and Estate Hospital Assistants must be encouraged to look for malaria parasites in their fever patients. The younger generation of EHAs have little experience of malaria and a definite policy of education to bring them up to date in antimalarial work and microscopic detection of the parasite should be under taken by the industry. Some problems of chemotherapy and drug resistance are discussed.
Fragmentary data from reported cases show that STDs are second only to malaria in number and are more prevalent than typhoid, cholera and infectious hepatitis put together. There is lack of priority in the allocation of funding for control of STDs presently.