By means of the gentamicin HEp-2 cell invasion assay, it was demonstrated that 82% of the Campylobacters tested were cell-invasive, including 83% of isolates from bloody diarrhoea and 80% of isolates from watery diarrhoea. The large number of invasive strains from watery diarrhoea suggests the possible role of invasiveness in the production of watery diarrhoea. Whether this stage can progress further to more severe symptoms such as bloody diarrhoea remains to be elucidated. Whether this progression to bloody diarrhoea occurs as a result of toxin production is still debatable. In Vero cells, invasion was less efficient and intracellular multiplication was not observed.
In recent years, a large amount of nucleotide sequence data for dengue viruses has been published. Most of it was derived by sequencing cDNA synthesized from highly purified genomic viral RNA. This paper presents a simple and rapid method for the isolation of total RNA from mosquito cells infected with dengue viruses. This RNA can be used for direct nucleotide sequencing with specific primers without the need for further purification.
Eight-five clinical and 15 poultry isolates of Campylobacter species were characterised by biotyping, serotyping and by using a radiolabelled DNA probe. A total of 80% of the isolates from both sources were identified as C. jejuni. Also amongst the clinical strains were 5 c. jejuni subsp. doylei, 7 C. coli, 3 C. lari and 8 were untypable. The similarity in the distribution of C. jejuni in the clinical and poultry isolates adds credibility to published reports of chickens being the most common source of Campylobacter infections. Although the gold standard for identification of C. jejuni is the DNA probe, serotyping is more discriminating while biotyping is the most feasible method in most laboratories.
The potential of RT-PCR to rapidly diagnose dengue infections from both acute and convalescent phase patients' sera was evaluated. The RNA extraction method involved binding of the viral RNA to silica particles in the presence of high concentration of guanidine thiocyanate. The protocol that was established was sensitive enough to detect 40 plaque forming units per 100 microliter of serum and results could be obtained within one day. Results from this study indicate that clinical samples should be collected in the early acute phase of illness when anti-dengue antibodies were undetectable or of low titres to ensure a more reliable diagnosis.
Dengue viruses pose a considerable global public health problem with an estimated 100 million cases of illness every year. This illustrates the need for rapid and reliable diagnostic methods for proper patient management and disease control. Currently, laboratory diagnosis depends on serology or virus isolation, with both methods having certain drawbacks. Alternatively, reverse transcription and polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) offers the potential for the rapid, highly sensitive and specific detection of dengue viruses. Since we occasionally encounter the problem of insufficient amounts of patient serum for the direct detection of dengue viruses, a method was developed for the extraction of viral RNA after biological amplification in mosquito larvae. Using this method, 15 of 19 clinical samples tested were correctly identified using RT-PCR.
There are several methods for the detection of haemolytic activity in campylobacters. However, we found the haemolytic effect of campylobacters on conventional blood agar plates to be variable, inconsistent and difficult to interpret. Blood agarose plates showed campylobacter haemolytic activity more clearly. The incubation conditions (temperature and gaseous) appear to be important for the expression of this activity. Ninety four percent of the Campylobacter isolates examined were found to be haemolytic by the microplate assay with minimal haemolytic units that ranged from 1 to 64. Haemolytic activity was detected only from live bacterial cultures and not from any of the 50 bacterial culture supernates, which suggests that campylobacters may possess a cell-associated haemolysin. The identification of such haemolytic activity in a large number of campylobacters (94%) suggests its potential role as a virulence factor in campylobacter gastroenteritis.
Approximately 57% of clinical and 33% of poultry isolates examined produced a cytotoxin. Cytotoxic activity was detected in 25 (50%) isolates of Campylobacter of which 12 were isolated from bloody diarrhea and 9 from watery stools. The cytotoxin titers were low, ranging from 2 to 16. The crude filtrates from 50 Campylobacter isolates showed no cytotoxic effect in Vero cells, no fluid accumulation in suckling mice and no hemolytic activity.