JUMMEC, 2002;7(1):15-23.


Reproductive health is "a state of complete, mental and social well-being in all matters relating to the reproductive system and to its functions and processes. Implicit in this is the right of men and women to be informed and to have access to safe, effective and affordable and acceptable methods of family planning of their choice, as well as other methods of their choice for regulation of fertility, which are not against the law, and the right of access to health-care services that enable women to go safely through pregnancy and childbirth." The survey on Health Problems of Migrant Workers included a section on Women's Health covering aspects of reproductive health. This was based on concerns over reproductive health needs of migrant women workers, particularly since the large majority are in the reproductive age-group, and the utilisation of government healthcare facilities. The latter has implications for the potential burden on public healthcare services in terms of resources and costs. Specifically, the Women's Health section included questions on pregnancy, place of delivery of last baby (born in Malaysia), postnatal care related to this delivery, and mode of payment. For those currently pregnant, questions were asked of sources of antenatal care, postnatal care and respective modes of payment for thsoe services. This section also included questions on current contraceptive practices, source of supplies, and mode of payment for contraceptive methods.