
This paper presents the accuracy of age statistics in the 1991 census. The quality of age statistics were evaluated using Myers index and United Nations index. The indices obtained were compared to the indices of 1970 and 1980. This study found that age statistics for 1991 census are better than the previous censuses and in general the statistics are having high quality.
Dalam kertas ini dibentangkan ketepatan statistik umur pada banci 1991. Kualiti statistik umur dinilai dengan menggunakan indeks Myers dan United Nations. Indeks yang diperoleh dibandingkan dengan indeks pada banci 1970 dan 1980. Kajian ini mendapati statistik umur banci 1991 lebih baik daripada hasil banci sebelumnya dan pada keseluruhannya ia mempunyai kualiti yang baik.