
  • 1 Universiti Putra Malaysia


This study is carried out to determine the physical properties of green pepper berries and to
improve the existing retting technique in white pepper production using the Viscozyme and
Celluclast as the enzymes. Effects of blanched and non-blanched pepper berries, acidic solution
and non-acidic solution, and different temperature of 28, 35, 42, and 49°C are determined to
obtain the optimum conditions for enzymatic retting. The physical properties of green pepper
berries such as dimension (5.21 mm), weight (0.11 g per berry), true density (1319.33 kg/m3),
bulk density (596.9 kg/m3), sphericity (0.976), angle of repose (6.87°) and flow ability with
funnel flow time of 5.27 seconds were determined. The enzymatic retting in 42oC can fully
soften the pericarp of pepper berries from 15 days to 7 days. The enzymatic decortication has
the efficiency in acidic solution (pH 4) and temperature of 42°C with non-blanched pepper
berries. The enzymatic retting reached constant fracture force (20.98N) at the ninth soaking
days while the non-enzymatic retting reached constant fracture force (21.89N) at the fifteenth
soaking days.