Inverted pappilomas (IPs), although histologically benign, are aggressive lesions that may recur after excision. They usually present as unilateral firm, bulky, red and vascular masses. The objective of this case series is to discuss the surgical treatment options for IPs and to review the literature with a special emphasis on our experience with endoscopic medial maxillectomy. A retrospective review of the data of patients with IP treated by endoscopic medial maxillectomy was performed. This report describes the surgical experience with five patients with IP arising from various sites on the lateral nasal wall. Data points collected included age, sex, location(s) and histopathological diagnosis (benign IP vs. IP with dysplasia or carcinoma). The surgical treatment strategy, need for adjunct approaches, complications, recurrence rates and length of follow up were determined. The average age was 51.2 years (range, 35-62 years), with four males and one female. All cases were managed with endoscopic medial maxillectomy as the primary surgical modality. Adjunctive approaches included endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy (EDCR) in two patients who presented with epiphora post operatively. Intra operative frozen section was performed in all cases to ensure complete tumor removal. No intra operative complications were encountered. No recurrences were noted in these patients, with a mean follow up period of 23 months.