Supernumerary chromosomes have been examined in 352 black rats, covering three geographic variants, by use of conventional and C-band staining techniques. Metacentric supernumerary chromosomes, one to three in number, were found in Malayan black rats (Rattus rattus diardii), with 2n=42, in Indian black rats (R. rattus rufescens), with 2n=38, and in Ceylonese black rats (R. rattus kandianus), with 2n=40. The supernumeraries had similar morphology and stained heavily along their entire length by C-band staining. These findings suggested that the supernumeraries had originally developed in the Asian-type black rats and then were sequentially transmitted to the Ceylonese and Oceanian-type black rats, probably in southwestern Asia. A subtelocentric supernumerary chromosome found in one Japanese black rat seemed to have developed independently from the above metacentric supernumeraries.
MeSH terms: Age Factors; Asia; Asia, Southeastern; Contraception Behavior; Contraceptives, Oral; Developing Countries; Family Planning Services; Health Planning*; Intrauterine Devices; Malaysia; Parity; Patient Acceptance of Health Care; Population Control; Poverty; Public Policy; Sterilization, Tubal; Vasectomy; Public Sector
PIP: At the Inter-Governmental Coordinating Committee Workshop on an Integrated Approach towards Family Planning and Health Programs held at Kuala Lumpur from March 23 to 25, 1977, the feasibility of integrating family planning with nutrition and parasite control through the proper planning of motivational considerations, resource allocation and coordination was studied in detail. Discussion focused on the experience of participating countries in generating community participation in total health programs. Malaysia reported that in the expansion of the national program into the rural areas functional integration has been the approach. In Indonesia nutrition has been an important objective of maternal and child health services. A total integrated development approach has been the objective in the Philippines where family planning information-education-communication has been integrated with nutrition programs and a pilot project on integration of family planning and parasite control has been conducted. Thailand reported on the introduction of an integrated family planning and parasite control program, while Sri Lanka reported on an integrated approach that included family planning with maternity and child health services. A recommendation of the meeting was that experimental pilot projects be established which include nutrition and parasite control elements within the framework of family planning services.
MeSH terms: Asia; Asia, Southeastern; Developing Countries; Family Planning Services; Health; Health Planning*; Indonesia; Malaysia; Nutritional Physiological Phenomena*; Organization and Administration*; Philippines; Sri Lanka; Thailand
MeSH terms: Asia; Asia, Southeastern; Community Health Workers; Delivery of Health Care; Developing Countries; Education*; Health; Health Personnel; Indonesia; Malaysia; Midwifery*; Philippines; Thailand
Estimates of general combining ability of parents for yield and girth obtained separately from seedlings and their corresponding clonal families in Phases II and IIIA of the RRIM breeding programme are compared. A highly significant positive correlation (r = 0.71***) is found between GCA estimates from seedling and clonal families for yield in Phase IIIA, but not in Phase II (r = -0.03(NS)) nor for girth (r= -0.27(NS)) in Phase IIIA. The correlations for Phase II yield and Phase IIIA girth, however, improve when the GCA estimates based on small sample size or reversed rankings are excluded.When the best selections (based on present clonal and seedling information) are compared, all five of the parents top-ranking for yield are common in Phase IIIA but only two parents are common for yield and girth in Phases II and IIIA respectively. However, only one parent for yield in Phase II and two parents for girth in Phase IIIA would, if selected on clonal performance, have been omitted from the top ranking selections made by previous workers using seedling information.These findings, therefore, justify the choice of parents based on GCA estimates for yield obtained from seedling performance. Similar justification cannot be offered for girth, for which analysis is confounded by uninterpretable site and seasonal effects.
Emulsifiable concentrates of DursbanR (chlorpyrifos) and Dowco 214 (chlorpyrifos-methyl) were tested as mosquito larvicides using Hudson knapsack sprayers on small plots of rice-fields on Penang Island. The mosquitoes found in these rice-fields are predominantly Anopheles campestris and Culex tritaeniorhynchus. At dosages of 14, 28 and 56 gm hectare-1, Dursban is effective in maintaining the rice-fields free of Anopheles larvae for at least 2, 3 and 7 days respectively. Dowco 214 at 56 gm hectare-1 is able to keep the fields free of all mosquito larvae for at least 2 days.
A high prevalence of murine typhus was found in the human and rodent populations of Senaling, West Malaysia. In addition to 2 index cases which prompted the investigation, 45% of the humans and 35% of the rodents had IFA titers of 1/50 or greater. Serological studies provided evidence of recent infections in 3 human subjects. In a control group of Malaysian soldiers IFA titers of 1/50 or greater were found in only 13 (5%) of 265 sera tested.