The presence of at least two ionizable active center groups has been detected by a study of the effect of pH upon catalysis of hydrolysis of L-alanyl-beta-naphthylamide by human liver alanine aminopeptidase and upon the inhibition of hydrolysis by inhibitors and substrate analogs. Octanoic acid, octylamine, and peptide inhibitors have been found to be competitive inhibitors and are therefore thought to bind the active center. L-Phe was previously shown to bind the active center since it was found to be a competitive inhibitor of the hydrolysis of tripeptide substrates (Garner, C. W., and Behal, F. J. (1975), Biochemistry 14, 3208). A plot of pKm vs. pH for the substrate L-Ala-beta-naphthylamide showed that binding decreased below pH 5.9 and above 7.5, the points at which the theoretical curve undergoes an integral change in slope. These points are interpreted as the pKa either of substrate ionizable groups or binding-dependent enzyme active center groups. Similar plots of pKm vs. pH for L-alanyl-p-nitroanilide (as substrate) and pKi vs. pH for L-Leu-L-Leu-L-Leu and D-Leu-L-Tyr (as inhibitors) gave pairs fo pKa values of 5.8 and 7.4, 6.0 and 7.5, and 5.7 and 7.5, respectively. All the above substrates (and D-Leu-L-Tyr) have pKa values near 7.5; therefore, the binding-dependent group with a pKa value near 7.5 is possibly this substrate group. Similar plots of pKi vs. pH for the inhibitors L-Phe, L-Met, L-Leu, octylamine, and octanoic acid had only one bending point at 7.7, 7.6, 7.4, 6.3, and 5.9, respectively. Amino acid inhibitors, octylamine, and octanoic acid have no groups with pKa values between 5 and 9. These data indicate that there are two active center ionizable groups with pKa values of approximately 6.0 and 7.5 which are involved in substrate binding or inhibitory amino acid binding but not in catalysis since Vmax was constant at all pH values tested.
The diverse clinical syndromes characterized by asthmatic symptoms, transient pulmonary infiltrates, and eosinophilia have tended to obscure the specific association of one such entity with filarial infections. Serum IgE levels were determined before and after therapy in a group of well-characterized patients with tropical eosinophilia (TE), studied earlier in Singapore. The mean serum IgE level in 14 cases before treatment with diethylcarbamazine was 2,355 ng. per milliliter, with a trend but statistically nonsignificant decrease in levels to 600-1,000 ng. occurring 8 to 12 weeks after therapy. Leukocyte and eosinophil counts showed a rapid reduction after treatment, and although mean complement-fixing (cf) titers to Dirofilarial antigen tended to decrease, they were not significantly reduced until 5 to 6 weeks. The historical development of evidence supporting the filarial etiology of TE was reviewed. Many basic questions engendered by the clinical syndrome of tropical eosinophilia make it an excellent model for study of the immunopathology of parasitic infections.
14 strains of Getah virus were isolated from a variety of mosquito species collected in Sarawak between October 1968 and February 1970. Ten strains were isolated from C. tritaeniorhynchus 7 of them at K. Tijirak. Single strains were isolated from C. gelidus, C. pseudovishnui, M. bonneae/dives and Aanopheles species. 6 of the isolates were obtained in October 1968 when Japanese encephalitis, Tembusu and Sindbis viruses were also very active. The available evidence suggest that Getah virus in Sarawak is maintained in a cycle similar to that of Japanese encephalitis virus and involves C. tritaeniorhynchus, C. gelidus and domestic pigs.
The Noctuid Calpe [Calyptral] eustrigata Hmps. was reported as a skin-piercing blood-sucking moth for the first time in Malaya (Bänziger, 1968) and is so far the only lepidopteran proved to suck blood by means of a piercing act. A few field observations and the description of the piercing behaviour of caged moths were given. Apart from a taxonomic study of the genus Calpe (Berio, 1956), a single record (Büttiker, 1969) and some notes on the moth's proboscis and possible evolutionary pathway (Bänziger, 1970, 1971, 1972) to our knowledge no other data have been published on the moth after its description as a new species (Hampson, 1926). The life cycle is completely unknown. From the scanty museum specimens available, it appears that the species inhabits South and Southeast Asia. A closely related, though less rare species, the fruit-piercing C. thalictri Bkh., has been used for a detailed study of the piercing mechanism likely to be adopted by Calpe (Bänziger, 1970); the feeding turned out to be as unusual as the feeding habits. Little or nothing is known about other Calpe species. C. eustrigata is not the only adult lepidopterous parasite of mammals. Lachryphagous ("eye-frequenting") moths feed as "marginal" parasites upon eye-secretions of ungulates, elephants and occasionally man (Shannon, 1928; Reid, 1954; Büttiker, 1964, 1967; Bänziger, 1966). Arcyophora species and the eulachryphagous Noctuid Lobocraspis graseifusa Hmps. which apparently feeds exclusively upon eye discharges, are suspected as vectors of eye diseases (Guilbride et al., 1959, Büttiker, 1964; Bänziger, 1972). While no lachryphagous moth is able to suck blood by a piercing act, there are a number of facultative lachryphagous moths which lick up the blood freely present at wounds, or that excreted anally by mosquitoes (Bänziger, 1969, 1972). Because of the scientific interest in C. eustrigata, research has been carried out to investigate different biological aspects of the species in Malaysia, Thailand. Laos and Indonesia (May 1971-May 1973). The first account presented here will be continued with a paper (in prep.) on the piercing mechanism and soon, it is hoped, with more information on the physiology, life cycle and medical importance of the moth.
The overall comparisons of habitats are given in (Table III). The habitats are arranged in order of extent of alterations by man, with the least disturbed at the top. The highest average blood isolation rates came from the least disturbed areas. The highest monthly maximal rickettsial isolation rates from blood and maximal prevalence rates of antibody per month were also obtained at Bukit Lanjan, the habitat least altered by activities of man. The lowest average blood isolation rate (6%) and the lowest monthly maximal rickettsial isolation and antibody prevalence rates were obtained at Bukit Mandol, the habitat most extensively and intensively altered by man. The intermediate habitats had intermediate rates. We caution anyone interpreting these observations, however, in terms of human disease, which seem to be associated with hyperendemic foci. Here we are not dealing with hyperendemicity from the standpoint of human disease, but present evidence of widespread endemicity from which hyperendemic foci may derive. Also, we have not yet identified the prevalent strains and do not know their infectivity to man.
449 human sera collected in a Land Dyak village were tested for antibodies to 11 arboviruses. Japanese encephalitis and dengue virus antibodies were particularly prevalent. The rates of infection with these viruses were estimated to be 5-2% per annum for Japanese encephalitis, 8-8% for dengue 1 and 4-3% for dengue 2. Chikungunya virus antibodies were quite common with an annual infection rate of the order of 5% per annum. Infections with other Group A and B and Bunyamwera group viruses were generally at a low level.
The first case of Sarcocystis infection is reported from West Malaysia. A cyst was seen as an incidental finding in a biopsy specimen from the larynx of the patient. The cyst and the cystozoites were of the small size with no evidence of cytophaneres or compartments.