METHODS: A literature review of PubMed with a focus on historical and landmark studies was undertaken to classify the evidence according to the different stages of the IDEAL Framework.
RESULTS: Several different transoral approaches were developed by a small of number of surgeon-innovators on animals and cadavers, and subsequently in first-in-human studies. The trivestibular approach emerged as the safest technique, with further refinements of this technique culminating in TOETVA. The basic steps and indications for this technique have been standardized and it is now being replicated by early adopters in many centres worldwide. The development of TOETVA has closely aligned with the IDEAL Framework, and is currently at stage 2B (Exploration).
CONCLUSION: There is need for multi-institutional collaborations and international registry studies to plan high-quality randomized trials comparing TOETVA with other remote-access approaches and collect long-term follow-up data. In countries where TOETVA has yet to be adopted, the IDEAL Framework will be a useful roadmap for government regulators and professional societies to evaluate, regulate, and provide best practice recommendations for the adoption of this technique.
METHODS: A prospective, double-blinded randomized controlled trial comparing the post-operative pain score between BSCPB and LWI was conducted among patients undergoing thyroid surgery. Ropivacaine 0.50% was used in the study. Pain score was measured at 4, 12, 16 and 24 h after surgery using the visual analog scale (VAS). Subcutaneous injection of Tramadol was given whenever the pain score was ≥4 or requested by patients.
RESULTS: A total of 70 patients were recruited, with 35 patients on each arm. There was no statistical difference in the post-operative pain score between the two groups at 4 h (p = 0.208), 12 h (p = 0.860), 16 h (p = 0.376) and 24 h (p = 0.375) after surgery. Time to the first rescue dose of Tramadol between the two arms was also insignificant (p = 0.949). One patient in the BSCPB arm developed transient left upper limb weakness, which resolved 12 h after surgery.
CONCLUSION: LWI remains the simplest, safest and most economical method of pain management. While BSCPB is comparable, it does however, come with potential regional block related complications.