Introduction: Statin, the first-line treatment for dyslipidaemia, may have suboptimal adherence due to its associated muscle adverse events. These data, however, remain limited. Aim: To determine the association of serum creatine kinase (CK) and SLCO1B1 rs4363657 polymorphism with statin-associated muscle adverse events (SAMAE) among dyslipidaemia participants.
Methods: This was a prospective cohort study at government health clinics involving newly diagnosed adults with dyslipidaemia. SAMAE were recorded based on the patient's complaint after a month on statin. CK was taken at baseline and follow-up. Genetic profiling was performed for SLCO1B1 rs4363657 polymorphism.
Results: Among 118 participants, majority were Malay (72%) males (61%) with a mean age of 49 ± 12.2 years old and prescribed lovastatin (61.9). There was a significant association between statin types (lovastatin and simvastatin) and SAMAE (p = 0.0327); no significant association noted between CK and SAMAE (p = 0.5637). The SLCO1B1 rs4363657 polymorphism was significantly associated SAMAE (p simvastatin. SLCO1B1 rs4363657 polymorphism was a significant risk factor for SAMAE.