Thrombocytopenia is classically defined as a platelet count of less than 150 000/µl. Counts from 100 000 to 150 000/µl are considered mildly depressed, 50 000 to 100 000/µl moderately depressed, and less than 50 000/µl severely depressed. Thrombocytopenia occurs in about 10% of pregnant women. Gestational thrombocytopenia (GT) is a diagnosis of exclusion and considered the most prevalent cause of thrombocytopenia in pregnancy. GT accounts for almost 75% of cases of thrombocytopenia in pregnancy. The cause of GT is unclear, although existing studies denote the possibility of accelerated platelet consumption and the increased plasma volume during pregnancy. The presence of antiplatelet antibodies is not specific to GT. The degree of thrombocytopenia in GT is usually mild to moderate, usually remaining greater than 70 000/µl. Patients are asymptomatic with no evidence of bleeding and rarely preconception history of thrombocytopenia. The platelet count returns to normal within 2-12 weeks post partum. We wish to report a unique case of GT presenting as blurred vision due to retinal hemorrhages.
A young primigravida had idiopathic warm antibody (IgG) autoimmune haemolytic anaemia (AIHA) occurring in the third trimester of pregnancy. Her haemolytic process was responsive to steroid therapy and no transfusion was needed. She delivered a healthy baby with no evidence to haemolysis, though his red cells were coated with IgG which was probably of maternal origin.
Southeast asian ovalocytosis (SAO) is characterized by macro-ovalocytes and ovalo-stomatocytes on blood smear. SAO is common in Malaisia and Papua-New-Guinea where upwards to 40 per cent of the population is affected in some coastal region. Inherited in an autosomal dominant way, illness results from deletion of codons 400-408 in SLC4A1 gene which encodes for band 3 erythrocyte membrane protein. This deletion is responsible for an unusual erythrocyte stiffness and oval shape of the cells on blood smear. Heterozygous carriers are usually asymptomatic whereas homozygous are not viable without an intensive antenatal care. Here, we describe 4 patients diagnosed incidentally by cytogram appearance of the Advia® 2120i (Siemens) representing hemoglobin concentration according to red blood mean cellular volume (GR/VCH).
The purpose of this study was to detect the frequency of iron deficiency anemia in women attending their first antenatal clinic at a Maternal and Child Health Clinic in Kubang Kerian, a district of Kelantan that is located on the East coast of Malaysia. A cross-sectional study was done over a two-month period and fifty-two Malay women were enrolled in this study. Red blood cell indices and serum ferritin were used as a screening tool for anemia and iron status. Eighteen patients (34.6%) were anemic. The majority were classified as having mild anemia (90%). Four of them had hypochromic microcytic anemia. Of 52 women, 7 had iron deficient erythropoiesis and 11 (61.1%) had iron deficient anemia. The prevalence of iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women was 21.2%, which is similar to other developing countries. The serum ferritin level was significantly associated with the hemoglobin level (p=0.003). Other red blood cell indices were not useful in predicting iron deficient erythropoiesis. It is important to detect iron deficient erythropoiesis during the first antenatal check-up, as it is an early manifestation of iron deficiency anemia. In conclusion, screening for iron deficient is recommended during first antenatal visit because iron deficiency anemia is still the leading cause of nutritional deficiency in pregnant women. This will initiate an early therapeutic intervention so as to reduce public health problem.
Study site: Hopital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM) and the Maternal and Child Health Clinic, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, Malaysia
AIM: Interactions between different determinants of alpha-thalassemia raises considerable problems, particularly during pregnancies where antenatal diagnosis is necessary. This study aims to determine the different types of deletional alpha-thalassemia and Hemoglobin Constant Spring (HbCS), and their frequency in Malays, Chinese and Indians in Malaysia.
METHODS: DNA from 650 pregnant women from the Antenatal Clinic of the University of Malaya Medical Center in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia who showed mean cell volume < or =89 fL and/or mean cell hemoglobin < or =28 pg were analyzed for the double alpha-globin gene South-East Asian deletion (--SEA), the -alpha3.7 and -alpha4.2 single alpha-globin gene deletions and HbCS.
RESULTS: One hundred and three (15.8%) of the pregnant women were confirmed as alpha-thalassemia carriers: 25 (3.8%) were alpha-thalassemia-1 carriers with the --SEA/alphaalpha genotype, 64 (9.8%) were heterozygous for the -alpha3.7 rightward deletion (-alpha3.7/alphaalpha), four (0.6%) were heterozygous for the -alpha4.2 leftward deletion (-alpha4.2/alphaalpha), nine (1.4%) were heterozygous for HbCS (alphaCSalpha/alphaalpha) and one (0.2%) was compound heterozygous with the -alpha3.7/alphaCSalpha genotype. The double alpha-globin gene --SEA deletion was significantly higher in the Chinese (15%) compared to the Malays (2.5%) and not detected in the Indians studied. The -alpha3.7 deletion was distributed equally in the three races. HbCS and -alpha4.2 was observed only in the Malays.
CONCLUSION: The data obtained gives a better understanding of the interactions of the different alpha-thalassemia determinants in the different ethnic groups, thus enabling more rapid and specific confirmation of alpha-thalassemia in affected pregnancies where antenatal diagnosis is necessary.
Study site: Antenatal clinic, University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia