CASE REPORT: We report a case of a 75-year-old man who presented with symptoms of obstructive jaundice. Ultrasonography and computed tomography (CT) showed an ill-defined lobulated soft tissue lesion at the head/uncinate process of the pancreas measuring 4.5 x 4.9 x 5.8 cm. The patient underwent pancreaticoduodenectomy for suspected pancreatic head/uncinate process carcinoma. Histopathology and immunohistochemical assessment of the pancreatic lesion established the diagnosis of a low-grade follicular lymphoma.
DISCUSSION: Clinical and imaging features of primary pancreatic lymphoma may often overlap with pancreatic carcinoma. There is a value of obtaining preoperative tissue diagnosis such as tissue biopsy and fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology with or without flow cytometry to make an accurate diagnosis of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and alleviate the need of more radical surgery in pancreatic lymphoma.
METHODS: Fifty follicular lymphoma cases were retrieved from the files of the Department of Pathology, University of Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC). Nested PCR amplification of MBR/JH and mcr/JH was performed in these cases, and those cases that did not demonstrate the translocation were subjected to FISH analysis.
RESULTS: Thirty cases (60%) had t(14;18) translocation detected by PCR, 25 (50%) had breakpoint with MBR and five (10%) involved mcr. Twenty cases without detectable t(14;18) translocation by PCR were analysed by FISH. Eleven cases were successfully probed, and four of them showed positive translocation signal.
CONCLUSIONS: The combination of PCR and FISH analysis on paraffin tissue sections for the detection of t(14;18) translocation increases the sensitivity of detection from 60 to 68%. Problems encountered in our FISH analysis on tissue sections impose certain limitations in using this technique for retrospective screening of large number of samples. Therefore, we suggested the application of PCR as the first screening tool on retrospective archival materials, followed by FISH on those PCR-negative cases.