Cavernous hemangioma is a vascular tumor composed of large dilated blood vessels and containing large blood-filled spaces. The formation is due to dilation and thickening of the walls of the capillary loops. Most cavernous hemangiomas present at birth or soon after. On the other hand, jugular phlebectasia is an abnormal benign sacculofusiform dilatation of jugular veins. It should be considered as one of the differential diagnosis of neck swelling. Majority of the reported cases occurred in a young child. We reported a case of an elderly woman who was diagnosed clinically as anterior jugular vein phlebectesia. Histologically the mass turned out to be a cavernous hemangioma.
Internal jugular vein ectasia is a venous anomaly commonly presenting as a unilateral neck swelling in children and adults. Literature reports of bilateral presentation are rare. Bilateral Doppler ultrasonography is the diagnostic investigation of choice. The possible pathology, aetiology and management are discussed. Conservative management of bilateral cases is recommended in uncomplicated cases.
Internal jugular vein (IJV) aneurysm is a rare entity, and a thrombosed aneurysm poses diagnostic and management challenges. We came across a 53-year-old woman who presented with fever, vomiting and right neck swelling for a week. Laboratory investigations showed neutrophilic leucocytosis, raised acute phase reactant and blood culture yielded Klebsiella pneumoniae Ultrasound and contrast-enhanced CT neck revealed a large fusiform aneurysm of the right IJV with filling defect extending from the aneurysm into the right transverse sinus. There was a cavity at the right lower third molar tooth. MRI confirmed the findings with additional enhancing focus at right lower periodontal region. The swelling reduced after 2 weeks of medical therapy, and follow-up imaging 4 months later showed complete resolution of the aneurysm with residual thrombosis. After extensive workup, dental infection remains the only identifiable primary source leading to thrombophlebitis of the right IJV and subsequent sequelae.