RECENT FINDINGS: Disordered immune reactions and release of cytokines with resultant gut inflammation and dysfunction appear to be key features of PI-IBS. Disordered brain-gut-microbiota interactions, type of infecting agent, and host-genetic susceptibility are risk factors but also are reasons for the varying spectrum of clinical severity. Although prognosis is generally good, symptoms and inflammation may persist for a long time. Symptomatic relief with antidiarrheals, antispasmodics, 5HT3 antagonists, mesalamine, probiotics, and low-dose antidepressants remain the primary approaches, but in some difficult cases, a combination of drugs that target the pathophysiology may be helpful. PI-IBS has many overlapping features with IBS-D and shares similar pathophysiology and management approaches.
METHODS: A total of 163 patients were randomized into two groups: Group A to consume 350 mL of sterilized probiotic with 5.85 g polydextrose daily for 1 week and Group B without polydextrose. Intestinal transit time, fecal pH, fecal weight, and modified Garrigues questionnaires for pre- and post-consumption were assessed.
RESULTS: Median intestinal transit time was significantly reduced from 58 (IQR 43-72) to 45 (IQR 24-59) hours and 48 (IQR 31-72) to 30 (IQR 24-49) hours for Groups A and B, respectively (p bowel syndrome patients. However, daily consumption of sterilized probiotic containing L. helveticus with or without polydextrose for a week alleviated constipation-related symptoms and objectively reduced both fecal pH and intestinal transit time.