An immature merocyst of Hepatocystis malayensis and gametocytes of H. brayi were studied with the electron microscope. The merocyst consisted of a highly complex cytoplasmic reticulum ramifying through an amorphous matrix: the entire complex was enclosed by a simple unit membrane. The host cell was apparently destroyed completely during growth of the cyst. Immature gametocytes were highly amoeboid and showed extensive vacuolisation or attenuation of the cytoplasm. The nucleus contained one or two prominent nucleoli. Mature gametocytes had compact cytoplasm and contained pyriform osmiophilic bodies which were believed to function in the release of the parasites from the host cells. Macrogametocytes were distinguished from microgametocytes by cytoplasmic differences in numbers of ribosomes, and cristate mitochondria and in the extent of development of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. The compact nuclei of the macrogametocytes had inconspicuous DNA but prominent nucleoli whereas those of the microgametocytes were irregular and showed a central aggregate of DNA. In microgametogenesis karyokinesis of the parent nucleus was delayed until axoneme formation was complete. Then the nuclear buds were extruded into emerging microgametes. At fertilisation the plasmalemmas of the two gametes fused and the single axoneme and nucleus of the microgamete moved into the cytoplasm of the macrogamete.
A light and electron microscopic study of Sarcocystis orientalis sp. n. was made. The life cycle of this parasite is in two hosts. Gametogony is in the intestinal epithelial cells of a predator, Python reticulatus. Isospora-like oocysts developed. Sporocysts average 9.1 by 7.7 mum. Rats (Rattus norvegicus) were infected with sporocysts and asexual stages developed. Ten days after infection large zoites (average 7.85 by 2.48 mum) were observed free in peripheral blood and within white blood cells. Small schizonts producing merozoites 2-3 mum long were seen in lung tissue. Tissue cysts developed in skeletal muscle and produced numerous cystozoites (average 5.53 by 1.38 mum). Fine structure was similar to previously described Sarcocystis spp.
The ultrastructure of the pinealocytes of the Malaysian rat (Rattus sabanus), a mammal inhabiting a zone near the equator where the annual variations of daylength are inconspicuous, was examined and compared with that of pinealocytes of other mammals. On the basis of the presence of granular vesicles, only one population of pinealocytes was found. A large number of granular vesicles and vesicle-crowned rodlets is characteristic of the pinealocytes of this equatorial species. Vesicle-crowned rodlets are especially numerous in the endings of the pinealocyte processes and; they most often found in direct topographical connection with the perivascular spaces. The physiological significance of the presence of such large amounts of vesicle-crowned rodlets and of the secretory process characterized by the formation of granular vesicles is discussed.