Introduction : Flood disaster in Johor started at the end of 2006 until the early year of 2007 causing the distruction of property and human life and it was the worse flood disaster in the history of Malaysia. The Muar and Kluang Health Office had been taken all the measures in the District Plan of Action for flood disaster in the early phase of the flood. Management of the Health and Medical team was one of the measures taken for the deployment of staff systematically and optimumly use of man power during a disaster.
Metodology : The objective for this article is to share the experience regarding human resource management during flood disaster. Data collected base on flood activities rosters used by health staff during morning briefing, analysis of record and daily flood report, interviewing the staff and flood victim involved regarding the experience and challengers they face and lastly by observing the services given to flood victim during the disasters.
Finding : There were 41 Medical and Health Team formed and responsible at 108 flood relived centre homing 26,824 flood victims in Muar District while in Kluang, 21 Medical and health Team were providing services in 60 flood relieve centre with 36,126 flood victims. All of the activities conducted by the Medical and Health team were coordinated by the district flood operation centre. District of Muar had been receiving 16 additional staff from other state while 34 additional staff had been providing services in Kluang. Challengers that had been identified include shortage of human resource compared to the increasing need and task during the flood disaster, shortage of personal protective equipments, frequent changers and inconsistency in the format use during flood reporting and lack of psychosocial support and motivation among the staff involved in the flood disaster operation.
Conclusion : Partnership among other department are very importance and the collaboration between them were very good.
Infrastructure damage due to land slide, fallen bridge and broken and submerged roads become the main constraint in providing good medical services to the flood victims and isolated places in the remote area. The health care provider has to face a huge challenge at delivering the medical services to the flood victims in Kluang district especially to the remote and isolated areas. This gives us a meaningful and valuable experience in managing such problem. From the true experience of the medical and health team and also the flood victims, few problems and major issues were detected. Other than the environmental factor, human error is another major area of concern of which the failure to interact with the District Flood Operation Centre leading to miscommunication resulting in delay of management of the patient. In smaller proportion, poor inter-agency collaboration and lacking of good equipment was also noted to be affecting the health care services. The issues raised here will hopefully be making better in managing disaster in the future.
The state of Johore suffered a massive flood disaster from 19th December 2006 to 1st January and from 12th January to 19th February 2007. The possible upsurge of dengue was of foremost concern and led to efforts in increasing control activities. Anyone with history of high fever with at least two symptoms of severe headache, pain behind the eyes, muscles and joint paint, rashes and petechiae were notified as dengue. Active and passive case finding was initiated at all 371 evacuation centres as well through health facilities and hospitals through an active surveillance system. Presumptive larval survey was also carried together with control activities by 46 health teams. Data were collected using the format ‘Aktiviti harian kawalan denggi di kawasan pos banjir- Lampiran E‘ and ‘Laporan aktiviti harian kawalan denggi di pusat pemindahan banjir – Lampiran D2’. Dengue serology and blood film for malaria was sent for as well as vector species identification. A total of 594 dengue cases were reported for the period of 19th December 2006 till 19th February 2007, which was an increase in comparison to the 5-year median but less than that reported in year 2006. However only 14 (2.3%) cases were from flood affected areas. During the flood phase, a total of 5,929 inspections were carried out at the evacuation centres with Aedes Index (AI) of 1.86%, while the post flood period showed a lower index. However Breteau Index (BI) and Container Index (CI) were higher. Preventive fogging were carried out at the evacuation centres using adulticides, thermal fogging was carried out at 21,959 premises (40.04% of inspected premises) and 350.6 L adulticides (malathion, fenitrothion and permethrin) were used. Dengue was expected to increase during flood as a result of increase Aedes potential breeding sites. However with intensive and integrated control activities, Johore was able to minimize the impact of flood for vector-borne diseases as seen from the low cases reported in flood related areas. A special guidelines for surveillance and control was developed during this flood as a reference for future occurrences.