The smartphone enabled otoscope (SEO) provides an opportunity for telemedicine and enhancing teaching of otoscopy. We describe our preliminary experience with the use of one such inexpensive device bought from an online store. It is a simple and feasible procedure which patients can perform on themselves (or guardians on their wards) after minimal training. The resolution of the image is adequate for follow up through teleconsultation. It is also a good teaching tool as it enables the sharing of views.
We describe a potential cause of eye injury, its concerns and ways to prevent it. The first author underwent a left cataract operation and was prescribed eye drops postoperatively. While applying one of the eye drops, he felt an object hitting the lower eyelid. A serrated plastic piece had fallen off the bottle. Had it fallen on the operated site, it might have caused serious untoward complications. Nurses, carers and patients need to be educated to remove the serrated piece from the bottle before applying eye drops. Manufacturers of eye drops should design safer bottles without such serrated pieces to prevent such eye injuries.
Chlorhexidine is labelled as hidden allergen as the health care professionals (HCPs) are unaware of the wide range of products containing chlorhexidine. Adverse events from chlorhexidine allergy can be reduced by appropriate perioperative management especially heeding on positive history during preoperative assessment, awareness regarding this hidden allergen, and educating HCPs on possible chlorhexidine-containing products. The regulatory agencies all over the world have issued recommendations regarding safety and risk of hypersensitivity reactions with chlorhexidine-containing products. The onus lies on HCPs to disseminate this knowledge to the stakeholders. We present a brief update to combat chlorhexidine allergy in perioperative setting.