A 6-year-old intact Persian cat was presented for the primary complaint of inappetence and weight loss. Irregular surface of
kidneys was palpated during physical examination. Abdominal radiograph findings were indicative of renomegaly. Ultrasonography
revealed multiple anaechoic structures within the renal parenchyma. The cortex, medulla and renal pelvis were unable to be
differentiated. Both radiographic and ultrasonographic findings were suggestive of polycystic kidney disease. Blood test revealed
normochromic, normocytic anaemia with azotaemia whereas urinalysis findings were hypostenuria and proteinuria, consistent of
chronic kidney disease due to polycystic kidney. Ultrasound is a useful antemortem diagnostic tool to diagnose polycystic kidney
disease in cats.
An adult male Malayan box turtle was diagnosed with foreign body obstruction of fishing hook. Upon presentation, the animal
had pale mucous membrane and fishing line protruding out from the oral cavity. Diagnosis of foreign body ingestion was based on
plain radiograph where the fishing hook was evidenced on the lateral and ventrodorsal radiographic view. Plastron osteotomy
surgical removal was performed after endoscopy guided forcep removal failed. Procedures were carried out under the injectable
anesthesia using a combination of ketamine and xylazine hydrochloride. Antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and parenteral fluid therapy
was given pre and post-surgically as medical treatment and stabilisation.