MATERIALS AND METHODS: Eighty patients who fulfilled the UK Working Party's Diagnostic Criteria for Atopic Dermatitis were included in the cross-sectional study. A standardized case report form was formulated to collect the demographic data and disease profile of the participants. AD severity was evaluated using the EASI and SCORAD score. All patients underwent a complete ophthalmological evaluation.
RESULTS: The prevalence of ocular manifestations among the patients with AD was 48.8%. Fifty-four (67.5%) patients had facial dermatitis and 37 (46.2%) showed periorbital signs. The mean AD disease duration was 10.99 ± 11.20 years. Majority of the patients had mild to moderate AD. The most frequent ocular manifestation was allergic conjunctivitis (18.75%) followed by cataract (8.75%) and ocular hypertension (8.75%). Among the patients with ocular manifestations, 27 (69.2%) patients regularly applied topical corticosteroids on the face. The use of systemic corticosteroids was seen in 19 (42.2%) patients. Prolonged AD duration was significantly associated with the development of ocular manifestations.
CONCLUSIONS: Nearly half of the patients with AD were complicated with ocular disease regardless of the AD severity, facial dermatitis and presence of periorbital signs. Long disease duration is associated with ocular manifestations, especially steroid related complications.