Hari Bertemu Pelanggan (HBP) is an essential event of the Port Dickson Municipal Council (MPPD) which is held twice a year for staff to review their Personal Files. The problem faced by the staff at the Human Resource Department (JPSM) MPPD is to handle staff Personal Files from the file room to the HBP location during the event. Risks such as loss and damage of Personal Files and the high cost in transferring staff Personal Files lead to the development of innovation known as dgDocSPACE. The implementation of the innovation has successfully reduced the operating cost, increased productivity, shortened time for reviewing Personal Files and increased customer satisfaction.
The use of mobile technology in language learning is rapi
dly growing. However, research on the use
of mobile applications to foster English language learning particularly as a pre language learning tool
is still lacking. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate students’ perceptions on the use of
Mobil e Application in English Course (MApEC) as a pre language learning tool to help prepare them
for the actual class. A total of 29 Semester 1 Diploma students from a selected higher institution in
Negeri Sembilan participated in the survey which was conducte d to find out their perceptions on the
use of MApEC as a whole, and as a pre language learning tool to assist them prior to the actual
English language class. The results indicate that participants were in favour of using MApEC and
perceived that it is a v ery helpful pre language learning tool. Therefore, the initial findings of this
study can be used to further develop MApEC not only as a useful pre language learning tool, but for
English language learning as a whole.
One of the issues frequently discussed in Malaysia is the low level of English language proficiency among language learners. Although English is the country’s second language, students at all levels including those in schools and higher institutions are found to have difficulties in mastering the language. Considering this problem, as well as the rapid growth and strong interest among students in the use of mobile devices in language learning, a mobile application called MApEC was developed. The objective of developing MApEC is to help students at higher institutions to learn and understand common terminologies used in the learning of the English language in a more interactive approach rather than the conventional one. MApEC can be accessed offline and has 8 main features - course info, about us, contacts, download, reading, writing, dictionary and podcast. Even though MApEC is still at the initial stage of development, findings from the survey showed positive feedback from the respondents. They are satisfied with MApEC as the application can be easily accessed and is user-friendly. The respondents also believe that MApEC can help them in understanding common terminologies used in the learning of the English language.