Uterine fibroid or leiomyoma is the commonest benign uterine tumour. Its occurrence in the postmenopausal age group is rare and if enlargement of the fibroid noted during this time, the diagnosis of leiomyosarcoma is provisional until proven otherwise. A case of a postmenopausal woman with a huge uterine fibroid associated with polycythaemia is presented whereby the mass was noted to increase in size within 2 years. The patient was otherwise well except for the growing uterine mass. She had venesection done to treat her polycythaemia and later underwent surgery for total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingoophoorectomy. The histopathology report confirmed leiomyoma of uterus with no evidence of sarcomatous changes. It was suggested that large uterine myoma may cause secondary polycythaemia by three postulated mechanisms, i.e. presence of hypoxia suggesting shunting within the tumour, second, the uterine fibroid was compressing the ureters resulting in inappropriate excessive production of erythropoietin by the kidneys, and third, the tumour itself may have been producing the erythropoietin.
Twin reverse arterial perfusion sequence occurs in approximately one percent of monochorionic twins. This condition is always fatal for the recipient twin and carries a high mortality rate for the pump twin. Various treatment options are described, but management is continually evolving with the publication of new data. We report an acardiac acephalic monochorionic twin who was diagnosed at 31 weeks gestation. Serial ultrasonographical examinations of the normal pump twin showed intrauterine growth restriction but with no evidence of heart failure. A healthy pump twin was delivered by caesarean section at 34 weeks.
Post-occlusive skin reactive hyperaemia (PORH) is a model used to assess microvascular reactivity. This study aims to compare PORH response among pregnant hypercholesterolaemic patients with age and gestational age-matched controls.