Necrotizing autoimmune myopathy (NAM) is considered a new subgroup of a rare autoimmune idiopathic inflam- matory myopathies. Classically, NAM presented with sub-acute onset of proximal muscle loss of power with raised creatinine kinase and characteristic muscle biopsy showing muscle necrosis and regeneration with little inflamma- tion. Statin use, connective tissue diseases, malignancy and HIV infection are the identified risk factors for NAM. The autoantibodies expected to be presented in NAM are anti-signal recognition particle (SRP) and anti-hydroxymethylgl- utaryl-coenzyme A reductase (anti-HMGCR) antibodies. In this article, we present three cases of NAM with different risk factors and autoantibodies which we believe to have impact on the clinical course and outcome of our patients
Sarcoidosis is characterized by formation of inflammatory granulomas affecting all over the body, with pulmonary predilection (1). Neurosarcoidosis is a rare but potentially dangerous manifestation of sarcoidosis. We report a case of disseminated sarcoidosis presenting with a neurological diagnostic dilemma. Worsening mediastinal lymphade- nopathy, together formation of lung and liver nodules making a sarcoidosis diagnosis favourable. Histology from these lesions showed non-caseating granulomatous inflammation. She was treated as a rare case of disseminated sarcoidosis. To date, there is no specific or clear guideline on the management of disseminated sarcoidosis.