Pengetahuan mengenai pendedahan plumbum (Pb) di kalangan kanak-kanak masih kurang baik di kalangan ibu bapa di Malaysia. Tujuan utama kajian ini adalah untuk menterjemahkan versi Bahasa Inggeris Chicago Lead Knowledge Test (CLKT) yang asal ke dalam Bahasa Melayu (bahasa tempatan) dan disesuaikan dengan latar belakang budaya negara ini. Langkah-langkah terjemahan adalah sistematik dan berdasarkan ‘International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research’ (ISPOR) iaitu persediaan, terjemahan ke depan, perangkuman, terjemahan mundur, penilaian terjemahan mundur, penyelarasan, pembahasan kognitif, penilaian pembahasan kognitif dan semakan akhir, pembacaan pruf, dan laporan akhir. Jumlah item adalah kekal 24, di mana satu item dihapus, satu item disemak semula, dan satu item ditambah ke dalam borang soalan kaji selidik. Keempat-empat tema iaitu pengetahuan umum, pendedahan, pencegahan dan pemakanan dalam soal selidik ini dikekalkan. Skala respon, skema jawapan, dan sistem pemarkahan adalah tetap sama. Sebilangan besar item mempunyai terjemahan langsung ke bahasa Melayu kecuali item 5, 7, 12, 20, dan 22. Purata (+SD) dan julat interkuartil (IQR) untuk skor keseluruhan pengetahuan adalah 9.50 + 2.45 markah dan 5 markah masing-masing. Skor terendah adalah 4 markah dan skor tertinggi ialah 13 markah. Ini merupakan satu-satunya kajian yang menggunakan pendekatan sistematik dan standard dalam terjemahan dan penyesuaian budaya di Malaysia. Terjemahan CLKT dan penyesuaian budaya di Malaysia akan menyumbang kepada penyelidikan semasa yang lain terutamanya mengenai pendedahan Pb di kalangan kanak-kanak.
Diabetes mellitus is the most common endocrine defect among children. Good diabetes management is important to give better health for both the children and the whole family. The goal of this study was to identify the level of mother involvement in children type·1 Diabetes Mellitus management, to identify factors related with mother involvement and to determine the relationships between mother
involvement and glycemic control. A cross·sectional study was carried out with 92 respondents selected by universal sampling from mothers who had diabetic children aged 5-15 years old and from medical visit appointment at University Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) and Putrajaya Hospital (HP1). Data was obtained through medical record and self reporting questionnaire. The study shown that 58.6% mothers had high involvement and 41.4% mothers had low involvement. Mothers' education level had a significant (p=0.0Z) relationship with a level of mother involvement. Most mothers gave high involvement in diet management (64.1%) and blood glucose monitoring (52. 7%), however most mothers gave low involvement in exercise management (63.0%) and insulin injection (60.9%). Mothers involvement in four management tasks were not statistically significant (p>0,05) with glycemic control. Mothers involvement in children diabetic management was high. There was high mother involvement in children's insulin injection and dietary intake and low mother involvement in children`s blood glucose monitoring and exercise, This study abo showed that there was no significant relationship between level of mother involvement and glycemic control.
Varicella is a highly infectious disease that can lead to severe complications such as pneumonia, encephalitis and death. Vaccination is the best method to prevent the disease. The objective of this study was to assess the level of knowledge, attitude and vaccination status of varicella among UKM students. A cross sectional study involving pre-tested questionnaires was undertaken between February and April, 2005. Questionnaires were distributed and filled by the first and second year students from four faculties in UKM (n=879). The faculties included were divided into two categories: medical fields and non-medical fields. The results showed that the overall level of knowledge on varicella among respondents was intermediate. The score of knowledge was significantly higher among medical students (t = 10.9, p < 0.05) compared to non-medical students. The varicella vaccination coverage was low among UKM students (19.3%). The vaccination status was significantly higher among medical students compared to non-medical students (chi2 = 8.6, p < 0.05). Vaccination status of varicella among respondents had no association with the level of knowledge (chi2 = 2.42, p > 0.05).