METHODS: The study was focused on assessing the impact of tilapia culture at sites nearer to the AIZ vs more distant sites, the former with a greater likelihood of receiving escapees. Two major sites were chosen; within 5 km (near-cage) and within 5-15 km (far-cage) radii from the AIZ. Fish sampling was conducted using multiple mesh sizes of gill nets (3.7, 5.1, 6.5, 7.6, and 10.2 cm) deployed at the littoral zone of the sampling points. Species diversity, abundance, dietary habits, and habitat preference were investigated.
RESULTS: The CPUE (individual/hour) of native fish species at the far-cage site of the AIZ Reservoir was found to be significantly higher (p < 0.05) than that at the near-cage site. Principal component analysis (PCA) based on diet and habitat preferences showed that the tilapia, O. niloticus had almost overlapping diet resources and habitat with native fish species.
CONCLUSION: We conclude that there is a correlation between the reduced catches of native species (based on CPUE) and the high presence of tilapia. Thus, appropriate actions must be implemented for strategic and effective planning in terms of native fish conservation.