Chronic venous disorders are conditions of increasing prevalence in the developing world, and venous ulceration is the terminal sequel. Currently there are only limited data on all aspects of this from Southeast Asia. The aim of the present study was to assess differences in the demography and outcome between varicose vein surgery (VVS) and the relatively new endovenous laser therapy (EVT) in patients from Penang, Malaysia.
The objective of this study was to compare CA 72-4 with CEA and CA 19-9 in gastrointestinal malignancies. CA 72-4 was assayed by radioimmunoassay and CEA and CA 19-9 with the Abbott IMx analyser. The study included 52 patients with gastrointestinal cancer and 20 controls with benign gastrointestinal diseases. The 52 cases showed marker sensitivities of 39%, 49% and 35% for CA 72-4, CEA and CA 19-9, respectively, and 64% when the markers were combined. Marker expression in serum was highest in colorectal carcinoma followed by gastric and esophageal carcinoma. The sensitivities of the individual markers in colorectal, gastric and esophageal carcinomas, respectively, were: CA 72-4, 56%, 32% and 18%; CEA, 83%, 33% and 18%; CA 19-9, 53%, 25% and 18%. The sensitivity of the three markers in combination was 89%, 50% and 46% in colorectal, gastric and esophageal cancer, respectively. The specificity of CA 72-4, CEA and CA 19-9 was 100%, 72% and 86%, respectively. However, CA 72-4 is not a useful a marker for gastrointestinal cancers because of its poor sensitivity. CEA, which had the best overall sensitivity and a reasonable specificity, was the most useful single marker, especially for colorectal cancer. Whereas the single markers were not useful in gastric and esophageal cancer, the combination of the three may be.
OBJECTIVES: The nature of vascular trauma varies greatly between continents and across time. The aim of this study was to prospectively analyse the demographics, pathology, management and clinical outcomes of vascular injuries in two urban Malaysian hospitals and review of international literature on vascular trauma. From this information, preliminary management and preventive implications will be described.
METHODS: Eighty-four consecutive cases of trauma requiring vascular surgery were prospectively analysed over three years at Hospital Kuala Lumpur and Hospital Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. Extensive patient demographic and injury data, including the mechanism of injury, associated injuries, angiographic findings, operative details and post-operative complications, were systematically gathered.
RESULTS: Most vascular injuries were incurred by males (76/84), with 37% (28/76) of them aged between 21 and 30 years. Malays were most frequently injured (n = 36) followed by Chinese and Indians. Road traffic accidents (n = 49) substantially outnumbered all other causes of injury. Lower limb injuries (n = 57) occurred more than twice as often as upper limb injuries (n = 27). Complete arterial transections (n = 43) and intimal injuries (n = 27) were more common than arterial lacerations (n = 10) and pseudoaneurysms (n = 4). The most frequently damaged vessels were the popliteal/tibioperoneal trunk (n = 33). All patients received urgent Doppler ultrasound assessment and, where possible, ankle-brachial systolic index measurement. Of all patients, 40 received an angiogram, haemodynamic instability making this investigation impractical in others. Primary arterial repair was the most frequently employed surgical procedure (n = 54) followed by autogenous reverse long saphenous vein (LSV) interposition graft (n = 14), embolectomy (n = 5) and PTFE interposition graft (n = 3). The most common post-operative complication was wound infection (n = 11). Amputation, as a last resort, was required in 13 cases following either primary or autogenous reverse LSV repair complicated by sepsis or critical ischaemia.
CONCLUSIONS: Vascular trauma, especially in conjunction with severe soft tissue, nerve or orthopaedic injury carries colossal physical, psychological, financial and social costs. Associated nerve and venous injury portended poor outcome in this study. Whilst orthopaedic trauma was a common association, the concurrence of occult vascular trauma and soft tissue injury without fracture emphasises the crucial importance of thorough and rapid clinical vascular assessment, investigation and surgical intervention. Fasciotomy, especially for the lower limb, is important for the prevention of compartment syndrome and its, limb-threatening sequelae. Primary preventive road safety promotion and interventions, with attention to high-risk groups (young males and motorcyclists), is urgently required.
Despite advancements in endoscopy and pharmacology in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease the overall mortality has remained constant at 10% for the past four decades. The aim of this study was to determine the age, gender, racial distribution, incidence and causes of endoscopically diagnosed cases of upper gastrointestinal (UGI) bleeding to summarise treatments undertaken and to report their outcome. A prospective study of UGI bleeding in 128 patients was performed in two surgical wards of Kuala Lumpur Hospital, involving both elective and emergency admissions. The study group comprised of 113 (88.2%) males and 15 (11.7%) females. The mean age was 51.9 years (range 14 to 85 years) and 37.5% (48 of 128 patients) were older than 60 years. The Indian race was over-represented in all disease categories. Smoking (50.1%), alcohol consumption (37.5%), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (17.2%), traditional remedies (5.5%), anti-coagulants (2.3%) and steroids (0.8%) were among the risk factors reported. Common presenting symptoms and signs included malaena (68.8%), haematemesis (59.4%) and fresh per rectal bleeding (33.6%). The commonest causes of UGI bleeding were duodenal ulcer (32%), gastric ulcer (29.7%), erosions (duodenal and gastric) (21.9%), oesophageal varices (10.9%) and malignancy (3.9%). UGI bleeding was treated non-surgically in 90.6% of cases. Blood transfusions were required in 62.6% (67/107) of peptic ulcer disease patients. Surgical intervention for bleeding peptic ulcer occurred in around 10% of cases and involved under-running of the bleeding vessel in most high risk duodenal and gastric ulcer patients. The overall mortality from bleeding peptic ulcer disease was 4.7%. Six patients died from torrential UGI haemorrhage soon after presentation, without the establishment of a cause. Active resuscitative protocols, early endoscopy, more aggressive interventional therapy, early surgery by more senior surgeons, increasing intensive care unit beds and more active participation of multidisciplinary teams in co-ordinating management are among remedial measures advocated. Broader educational preventive strategies should target the causes of UGI bleeding.
A prospective study of all infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) repairs both as electives and emergencies in Penang between January 1997 to December 2000 is presented. The objectives of the study were to determine the age, gender, racial distribution of the patients, the incidence, and risk factors and to summarize treatments undertaken and discuss the outcome. Among the races, the Malays were the most common presenting with infrarenal AAA. The mean age of patients operated was 68.5 years. Males were more commonly affected compared to females (12:1). Most infrarenal AAA repairs were performed as emergency operations, 33 cases (61.1%) compared to electives, 21 cases (38.9%). Total survival was 70.3% (elective 85.7%; emergency 57.6%). Mortality rate was 31.5% and the primary reason is the lack of operating time available for urgent operation and for treatment of concurrent disease states. Mycotic aneurysm with its triad of abdominal pain, fever and abdominal mass resulted in a significantly higher mortality (46.6%). Ninety six percent of the infrarenal AAA had transverse diameter greater than 6 cm. Morphologically 90.7% were fusiform AAA rather than saccular aneurysm (9.3%). Pulmonary complications (35.2%) were more common than cardiac complications (11.1%) possibly related to the urgent nature of the operation, smoking or history of pulmonary tuberculosis. Bleeding (14.8%) was the most common cause of mortality in ruptured mycotic infrarenal AAA.