A 17-year-old young girl was seen by us with complaints of progressive, painless decreasing vision in one eye for the last 4 years. No other supporting history could be elucidated. On examination, a large choroidal mass was found. Since the features were suggestive of malignant melanoma of the choroid, an enucleation of the eye was performed. Subsequently, histopathological examination of the enucleated eye revealed findings consistent with melanocytoma of the choroid. This case is unique in that the patient was of relatively young age and the tumor was huge compared to previous such reports.
This study was carried out to ascertain the aetiology of exudative pleural effusions when other diagnostic investigations such as pleural fluid and sputum examination for cytology and acid fast bacilli fail to yield a definitive diagnosis and to differentiate between tuberculosis and malignancy in cases suspicious of malignancy.