A survey of 25,246 Malay, Chinese and Indian children and adults ranging from birth to over 60 years of age, of both sexes, from 4 types of communities with different conditions of environmental sanitation and socio-economic status revealed an overall incidence of infection with soil-transmitted helminths of 39.6 percent. The incidence of soil-transmitted helminthiasis was highest among rural rubber estates, followed closely by the urban slums or squatter areas and incidence of infection was low in the semi-rural new villages and the urban flats. The commonest helminth in all these areas was Trichuris trichiura and the commonest type of helminthic infection was mixed infections with Ascaris and Trichuris. Infection was most prevalent among Indians, followed closely by Malays. Chinese generally had lower incidences of infection. Soil-transmitted helminthiasis was also more prevalent among the younger age groups, starting from toddlers to 9 years and rising to a peak in the 10-19 years age group. Elderly people (60 years and above) from the squatter areas and some ofthe estates, new villages andflats also had a higher incidence of infection than the older adults (30-59 years). Malay and Indian children (under 15 years of age) having a higher overall incidence of injection also tended to have higher degrees of infection, as estimated by egg counts. There was no significant differences in the distribution of infection between males and females in most of the study areas. However, females in the squatter areas had a higher incidence of infection than males. Conversely, females in some of the flats (Sri Melati and Shaw Road) had a lower incidence of infection than males.
A survey of a total of 1,157 Indian primary school children from eight schools from urban and rural areas in and around Kuala Lumpur showed an overall
prevalence of infection with soil-transmitted helminthiasis of 89.02%. The prevalence and intensity of infection were consistently high among both school boys and girls throughout the six years of primary school. The predominant helminth was Trichuris trichiura - both as single and mixed infections. The commonest type of helminthic infection among urban primary school children was mixed infections with Trichuris trichiura and Ascaris lumbricoides. Hookworm infections, both as single or mixed infections, were more common among school children from rubber and oil palm estates in the rural areas.
A total of 819 Indian inhabitants (from 6 months to over 60 years of age) in an oil-palm plantation in West Malaysia was examined for soil-transmitted helminthiases using the brine flotation and Kato thick smear techniques. Half (51.0%) of the inhabitants were found to be infected (33.9% had Ascaris lumbricoides; 36.4% had Trichuris trichiura and 15.6% had Necator americanus). Soil-transmitted helminthiases (both single and mixed infections) were significantly more common among children and young adults from 6 months to 20 years of age where 67.1% (range: 64.7-70.3%) of this age group were infected. The infection rate declined to about 25% or less among elderly people over 50 years of age. Trichuris trichiura was the commonest helminth observed--both as single and mixed infections--and Trichuris mixed with Ascaris was the commonest type of double infection reported. However, there were no significant differences in the distribution of the types of single and double infections among inhabitants of different age groups, nor were there any significant differences in the distribution of soil-transmitted helminthiases among male and female inhabitants. The socioeconomic, environmental and cultural factors contributing to persistently high rates of infection with soil-transmitted helminths among plantation inhabitants are discussed.
Once-yearly, mass deworming with broad spectrum anthelmintics over a period of five years among four types of communities in Malaysia resulted in an overall education in the prevalence of soil-transmitted helminthiases by one-third to two-thirds. The reduction in prevalence of infection was highest among inhabitants in semi-urban settlements (65.5%), followed by those in the rural estates (53.0%) and high-rise flats (43.9%). Soil-transmitted helminthiases were only reduced by 35.5% in the urban slums. Reduction in infection with Trichuris trichiura was better than that with Ascaris lumbricoides whereas hook-infection was completely eliminated in some of the communities surveyed. The reduction in prevalence ofsoil-transmitted helminthiases by long-term, once-yearly deworming alone, without other supplementary interventions, reinforces the potential and feasibility of regular mass-deworming as an immediate and effective measure for the control ofsoil-transmitted helminthiases. This is of great public health significance especially in highly endemic communities where some form of intervention is urgently needed and facilities for other control measures such as the improvement of environmental sanitation and nutritional status and health education are neither feasible nor possible nor immediately available.
Three cases of muscular sarcocystosis from West Malaysia are reported. The morphological features of the parasites from these three cases are similar to the eight cases previously reported from this country. A review of this total of eleven cases of muscular sarcocystosis showed that they were all incidental findings, where man acted as intermediate hosts of as yet unknown Sarcocystis spp. These cases of muscular sarcocystosis were probably zoonotic in origin and associated with close contact with definitive hosts (both domestic and wild animals) thus permitting the contamination of food and drink with sporocysts shed by these definitive hosts. These infections were probably acquired locally as most of the subjects were born in Malaysia and none had ever left the country to stay elsewhere. Eight of the eleven cases reported were associated with malignancies, especially of the tongue and nasopharynx.
The first two cases of human muscular sarcocystosis are reported from East Malaysia, in Sabalt and Sarawak respectively. Sarcocysts were seen iin biopsied specimen from the nasopharynx of both patients who had carcinoma of the nasopharynx. The measurements and appearances of the cysts and the zoites within the cysts were compared with the human cases of sarcocystosis previously reported in West Malaysia. Zoonotic and other aspects of these cases of East Malaysian sarcocystosis are discussed.
A total of 346 paediatric in-patients in the University Hospital in Kuala Lumpur was examined for infection with Enterobius vermicularis using two anal swabs taken on two consecutive days. 24% of these children. whose mean age was 6 years [range 2-14 years] were infected. The infection was more prevalent among children between the ages of 5-11 years. There is only a slight difference in the distribution of infection among Malay. Chinese and Indian children. There is no significant difference in the prevalance of infection between boys and girls.
Sarcocystis is a tissue coccidian with an obligatory two-host life cycle. The sexual generations of gametogony and sporogony occur in the lamina propria of the small intestine of definitive hosts which shed infective sporocysts in their stools and present with intestinal sarcocystosis. Asexual multiplication occurs in the skeletal and cardiac muscles of intermediate hosts which harbor Sarcocystis cysts in their muscles and present with muscular sarcocystosis. In Malaysia, Sarcocystis cysts have been reported from many domestic and wild animals, including domestic and field rats, moonrats, bandicoots, slow loris, buffalo, and monkey, and man. The known definitive hosts for some species of Sarcocystis are the domestic cat, dog and the reticulated python. Human muscular sarcocystosis in Malaysia is a zoonotic infection acquired by contamination of food or drink with sporocysts shed by definitive hosts. The cysts reported in human muscle resembled those seen in the moonrat, Echinosorex gymnurus, and the long-tailed monkey, Macaca fascicularis. While human intestinal sarcocystosis has not been reported in Malaysia so far, it can be assumed that such cases may not be infrequent in view of the occurrence of Sarcocystis cysts in meat animals, such as buffalo. The overall seroprevalence of 19.8% reported among the main racial groups in Malaysia indicates that sarcocystosis (both the intestinal and muscular forms) may be emerging as a significant food-borne zoonotic infection in the country.
The ultrastructure of Sarcocystis sp. from the Malaysian house rat, Rattus rattus diardii, was studied with the electron microscope. The thin, uniformly-dense primary cyst wall had a row of vesicular invaginations which were also seen along the wall of the villi-like projections or cytophaneres. Within the villi were spherical bodies and hollow, curled structures. The ground substance beneath the primary cyst wall extended into the cyst as thin septa or trabeculae separating the tightly-packed zoites into compartments. Merozoites had a double-layered membrane, a conoid, 2 conoidal rings, 22 subpellicular microtubules, 6 rhoptries, 80-100 micronemes, scattered lipid droplets, and sac-like mitochrondrion, beside which was a Golgi apparatus. A micropore was occasionally seen at the anterior third of the zoite whereas the nucleus occupied the posterior third. Metrocytes were few in number and peripheral in location.
The two species of Sarcocystis--S. levinei and S. fusiformis from the water buffalo, Bubalus bubalis, show some ultrastructural similarities in their cyst wall and zoites. The zoites of both species are of about the same size, banana-shaped and have 22 subpellicular microtubules, numerous micronemes, eight rhoptries, a micropore in the region of the micronemes, an elongated mitochondrion, and a nucleus. S. levinei has 200--300 micronemes and S. fusiformis has about 400. The sarcocysts of both species are trabeculated and their cyst walls have cytophaneres containing annulated fibrils and coarse, electron dense granules. The cytophaneres of S. levinei are sloping, with irregular, wavy outlines, whereas S. fusiformis has the cauliflower-type of cytophaneres. This difference in the appearance of the cytophaneres, together with the difference in size of the sarcocysts and their definitive hosts, further confirms that S. levinei and S. fusiformis are two distinct species in the water buffalo.
Light and electron microscopic studies and feeding experiments have confirmed the presence of two species of Sarcocystis in the water buffalo Bubalus bubalis. One is the already known species with large macroscopic sarcocysts, Sarcocystis fusiformia (Railliet, 1897) Bernard and Bauche, 1912 and the other is S. levinei n. sp. which is being described in detail. The sarcocysts of S. levinei are 0.9 x 0.1 mm and the zoites in them 17.8 x 4.2 micrometer. Ultrastructurally, the primary cyst wall shows sloping villi with irregular wavy outlines. Within the villi are coarse granules and annulated fibrils. Trabeculae are present. The sexual stages of S. levinei occur in the subepithelial tissue of the small intestine of the dog and sporocysts shed by this definitive host are 15-16 by 10 micrometer.
300 patients (185 males, 115 females) were examined for intestinal parasites. About 40% of these patients was infected, 14% of which was heavily infected. The highest prevalence and intensity of infection with soil-transmitted helminths was found among Malays and Indians of different ages. Heavy infections with these helminths were also frequently encountered in young Chinese. Helminthic infections in patients over 60 years of age was significantly lower. There was no significant differences in the prevalence and degree of infection among males and females. The commonest helminth encountered was Trichuris trichiura, which usually occurred as trace single infections. Mixed infections with Ascaris and Trichuris, usually with the former as the predominating parasite, were also frequently observed.
This study examines the persistence of familial aggregation and familial predisposition to Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura infection over 2 periods of treatment and reinfection, in an urban community in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Both parasite species were shown to be aggregated (assessed by the variance to mean ratio) within families at all 3 interventions, although no consistent trend in aggregation was observed over the period of the study. Associations between mean A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura infection levels of families, at all 3 interventions, were highly significant (P < 0.0001), suggesting persistent predisposition at the family level.
This study examines the persistence of predisposition to Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura during repeated chemotherapy in an urban community in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Significant predisposition was observed over 2 periods of reinfection with and without age-standardization of data. Analysis of different age groups indicated that predisposition was most strongly detectable in the younger age classes. The intensities of infection with both parasites were strongly correlated at each cycle of intervention, suggesting that individuals were similarly predisposed to both species.