Children with heavy Trichuris infestation were compared with paediatric amoebic dysentery patients and normal children. Heavy Trichuris infestation was diagnosed by visualization of worms on anoscopy. Patients with heavy Trichuris infection had a longer duration of disease, more frequent hospitalization and a higher rate of rectal prolapse than did patients with amoebiasis. Five Trichuris children also had clubbing. Trichuris patients had lower mean haematrocrits (27%) and serum albumin (3-3 gm%) than did patients with amoebiasis (32% and 3-7 gm% respectively). Coinfection with Shigella and Salmonella was significantly increased in patients with heavy Trichuris infection compared to both amoebic and control group children. Trichuris patients were infected with Entamoeba histolytica more frequently (46%) than normal children. Heavy Trichuris infection is the probable cause of symptoms and signs seen in these patients.
The indirect hemagglutination test was used to study antibody titers to Entamoeba histolytica in different Malaysian populations. Eighty-seven percent of Orang Asli (western Malaysian aborigines) adults and 79% of Orang Asli children with acute amebic dysentery were seropositive. However, significantly fewer children (39%) with amebic dysentery had high titer responses (titer greater than or equal to 1:1,280) than did adults with amebic dysentery (76%). No correlation between proctoscopic severity and amebic titer was found. Forty-four percent of asymptomatic family members were seroresponders. Satak, an Orang Asli village located near towns, had significantly more seroresponders (32%) than did the isolated, deep jungle village, Belatim (4%).