Methodology: Thirty rats were treated to receive 0.5 mL phosphate-buffered saline (group A, control), 0.5 mL corn oil (group B), 0.2% CPZ (group C), for 6 weeks, 0.2% CPZ for 3 weeks and then 200 mg/kg of Kv for 3 weeks (group D), or 200 mg/kg of Kv for 3 weeks followed by 0.2% CPZ for 3 weeks (group E). Rats were assessed for exploratory functions and anxiety-like behaviour before being euthanised and perfused transcardially with 4% paraformaldehyde. Prefrontal and hippocampal thin sections were stained in hematoxylin and eosin and cresyl fast violet stains.
Results: CPZ-induced demyelination resulted in behavioural impairment as seen by reduced exploratory activities, rearing behaviour, stretch attend posture, center square entry, and anxiogenic characteristics. Degenerative changes including pyknosis, karyorrhexis, neuronal hypertrophy, and reduced Nissl integrity were also seen. Animals treated with Kv showed significant improvement in behavioural outcomes and a comparatively normal cytoarchitectural profile.
Conclusion: Kv provides protective roles against CPZ-induced neurotoxicity through prevention of ribosomal protein degradation.
Methodology: Adult female Wistar rats were time-mated and grouped into three categories: (a) control-given 0.1 mL of normal saline, (b) low-dose nicotine-given 6.88 mg/ kg/d/0.05 mL, and (c) high-dose nicotine-given 13.76 mg/kg/d/0.1 mL in two divided doses. Treatment was given intraperitoneally from gestational days 2 to 6. On postnatal day 15 (P15), the pups were separated from their mothers, anaesthetised and sacrificed, followed by intracardial perfusion with 4% paraformaldehyde. PFC was excised from the brain and processed for tissue histology, histochemistry, and morphology of brain cells.
Results: Gestational nicotine exposure during the first week of gestation in rats significantly reduced birth weights in nicotine-treated groups compared with control; it, however, accelerated body weights, altered neuronal morphology, and elevated astrocytic count significantly, while oligodendroglial count was slightly increased in the PFC of juvenile rats examined at P15.
Conclusion: These alterations revealed that gestational nicotine exposure before the commencement of the cellular processes involved in brain development negatively affects neurodevelopment, and this could result in neurological dysfunctions in later life.