SOURCES OF DATA: Recent published literature.
AREAS OF AGREEMENT: Corticosteroids and immunomodulators that antagonize the interleukin-6 (IL-6) receptor have been shown to play a critical role in modulating inflammation and improving clinical outcomes in hospitalized patients. Inhaled budesonide reduces the time to recovery in older patients with mild-to-moderate COVID-19 managed in the community.
AREAS OF CONTROVERSY: The clinical benefit of remdesivir remains controversial with conflicting evidence from different trials. Remdesivir led to a reduction in time to clinical recovery in the ACTT-1 trial. However, the World Health Organization SOLIDARITY and DISCOVERY trial did not find a significant benefit on 28-day mortality and clinical recovery.
GROWING POINTS: Other treatments currently being investigated include antidiabetic drug empagliflozin, antimalarial drug artesunate, tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib, immunomodulatory drug infliximab, antiviral drug favipiravir, antiparasitic drug ivermectin and antidepressant drug fluvoxamine.
AREAS TIMELY FOR DEVELOPING RESEARCH: The timing of therapeutic interventions based on postulated mechanisms of action and the selection of clinically meaningful primary end points remain important considerations in the design and implementation of COVID-19 therapeutic trials.
METHODS: A 42-item survey questionnaire was developed and validated with a total of 443 patients. The perceived importance of information provided and level of patient satisfaction were assessed with a 5-point Likert scale in 10 domains (Diagnosis, Surgery, Radiotherapy, Systemic therapy, Clinical trials, Pain management, Treatment monitoring, Psychosocial support, Sexual care and fertility issues, and Financial support). A Spearman's rank correlation test was applied to determine the correlation between response in both item and domain categories for perceived importance and satisfaction.
RESULTS: Overall, patients were more satisfied with information related to cancer diagnosis, treatment and surgery but less satisfied with information pertaining to sexual aspects of care and family planning, psycho-social support and financial support. The majority of patients were satisfied with the level of treatment-related information received but preferred the information to be delivered in more easily comprehendible formats. Sexual aspects of care and family planning, psychosocial support and treatment monitoring post-discharge were perceived as important but seldom addressed by health care professionals due to lack of professional counsellors, social workers and clinical nurse specialists. Many patients face financial toxicity following a cancer diagnosis, particularly when diagnosed with advanced cancer requiring complex multi-modality treatment.
CONCLUSION: Cancer patients in Sarawak have various unmet information needs. Written information and educational videos in local indigenous languages may be more suitable for Sarawak's multi-ethnic population. Sexual aspects of care and family planning are challenging but essential topics to discuss, in particular due to the high prevalence of breast and cervical cancer amongst young women of reproductive age in Sarawak. Financial assessment and information on support services offered by government and non-government organisations should be provided to eligible patients. A holistic needs assessment of each patient at time of diagnosis and support through their cancer journey requires a multi-disciplinary team of medical, nursing and allied health professionals including clinical nurse specialists, pharmacists, counsellors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, dieticians and social workers.