CASE PRESENTATION: We present a case of NSF occurred after gadolinium exposure in which the initial presentation mimics an erythema nodosum (EN)-like picture. An initial skin biopsy showed EN. Subsequently the patient developed progressive skin and joints contracture. A repeated skin biopsy done three months later confirmed the diagnosis of NSF. As far as we are aware, this is the second reported case of NSF that mimicked the presentation of EN in the early phase of the disease.
CONCLUSIONS: The appearance of EN-like disease can be one of the early manifestations of NSF. We hope that early recognition of this unusual presentation can alert the physician or nephrologist to the potential diagnosis of NSF.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively studied CD56 expression in 54 benign and 54 malignant thyroid lesions using archival formalin fixed paraffin-embedded tissue blocks for the study period from January 2010 to December 2015, diagnosed in a tertiary hospital.
RESULTS: CD56 was expressed in 52/54 (96.3%) of benign specimens and only 24/54 (44.4%) of malignant ones. The malignant specimens comprised 31 (57.4%) papillary thyroid carcinomas (PTC), 11 (20.3%) follicular carcinomas (FC), seven (13%) medullary thyroid carcinomas (MC), one (1.9%) poorly differentiated carcinoma (PC) and four (7.4%) anaplastic carcinomas (AC). CD56 was not expressed in 28/31 (90.3%) of the PTCs, 1/11 (9.1%) FCs, 1/4 (25%) of ACs while all MCs and the PD were positive. The benign group comprised nodular hyperplasias (29/54), lymphocytic thyroiditis (10/54), follicular adenomas (FA) (14/54) and one hyalinising trabecular tumour. CD56 was expressed in all the benign cases except one FA and one nodular hyperplasia. Thirteen of the 14 FAs were CD56 positive. The difference in expression between benign and malignant tumours was statistically significant as the p value was <0.01.
CONCLUSION: CD56 is a potentially good immunohistochemical marker for differentiating papillary thyroid carcinoma from other benign follicular lesions of the thyroid especially in differentiating follicular variant PTC from FA in equivocal cases.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study included 50 cases of thyroid lesions (20 cases of colloid goitre, 15 of follicular adenoma, 5 of follicular carcinoma and 10 papillary carcinomas). Digital images of cytologic smears of these cases were captured using a dedicated photomicrography system and nuclear profiles traced manually. With self-designed image analysis software, nuclear morphometric measurements, including texture analysis, were performed. Discriminant analysis was performed including the morphometric parameters and percentage of correctly classified nuclei noted.
RESULTS: Nuclear morphometry parameters showed that papillary thyroid carcinoma had the highest perimeter, area, radius and elongation factor compared to other thyroid lesions. Discriminant analysis revealed that altogether 77.9% of cells could be correctly classified to their lesion category based on the nuclear morphometric and textural parameters. Of the neoplastic cases, 84.5% of cells of follicular neoplasms and 72.5% of papillary carcinoma were classified to the respective category.
CONCLUSION: Nuclear morphometry, including texture analysis, can assist in the cytologic diagnosis of thyroid lesions, considering the high degree of accuracy of classification. Further studies and methodological refinements can achieve higher accuracy.
CASE PRESENTATION: We present a case of a middle-aged gentleman who presented with persistent nephrotic syndrome with worsening renal function. Repeated renal biopsies showed the presence of renal-limited AL amyloidosis. Systemic amyloidosis workup was unremarkable apart from a slightly raised band of IgG lambda level with no associated immunoparesis. The nephrotic syndrome and renal histology did not improve over a 3-year period despite being given two courses of chemotherapies.
CONCLUSION: We hope that early recognition of this unusual localised presentation of renal- limited AL Amyloidosis and its poor response to conventional treatment can alert the nephrologist to the potential existence of this rare condition.