MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is an in vitro study using two extracted sound human mandibular molars. One tooth was prepared to receive the metal onlays and another one for the RNC onlays which were fabricated using the computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology. Twelve metals and 12 ceramic onlays were fabricated before they were placed at their respective preparation and examined under the Leica stereomicroscope, M125C (Leica Microsystems, Wetzlar, Germany) for a marginal analysis. The gap width was measured at 10 predefined landmarks which included 3 points on the buccal and lingual surfaces each and 2 points each on the mesial and distal surfaces, respectively.
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Mann-Whitney post hoc test was used for statistical analysis (P ≤ 0.05).
RESULTS: Overall, the RNC onlays showed significant lower marginal gap with the exception of the landmarks 5 and 6 (on distolingual) and no significant difference at landmark 7 (on midlingual). It was observed that the marginal gap were all within the clinically acceptable limit of 120 μm.
CONCLUSIONS: Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the RNC CAD/CAM onlays are a promising alternative to the metal onlays.
METHODS: PMMA disks containing GO (0.01, 0.05, 0.1, or 0.5 wt%) were subjected to a biaxial flexural test to determine the Weibull parameters (m: modulus of Weibull; σ0: characteristic strength; n = 30 at 1 MPa/s) and slow crack growth (SCG) parameters (n: subcritical crack growth susceptibility coefficient, σf0: scaling parameter; n = 10 at 10-2, 10-1, 101, 100 and 102 MPa/s). Strength-probability-time (SPT) diagrams were plotted by merging SCG and Weibull parameters.
RESULTS: There was no significant difference in the m value of all materials. However, 0.5 GO presented the lowest σ0, whereas all other groups were similar. The lowest n value obtained for all GO-modified PMMA groups (27.4 for 0.05 GO) was higher than the Control (15.6). The strength degradation predicted after 15 years for Control was 12%, followed by 0.01 GO (7%), 0.05 GO (9%), 0.1 GO (5%), and 0.5 GO (1%).
SIGNIFICANCE: The hypothesis was partially accepted as GO increased PMMA's fatigue resistance and lifetime but did not significantly improve its Weibull parameters. GO added to PMMA did not significantly affect the initial strength and reliability but significantly increased PMMA's predicted lifetime. All the GO-containing groups presented higher resistance to fracture at all times analyzed compared with the Control, with the best overall results observed for 0.1 GO.