The relationship between the timing of maternal tetanus toxoid immunization and the presence of protective antitoxin in placental cord blood was investigated among women admitted to the obstetrical service of the University Hospital in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The 1st dose was given between 13-39 weeks of gestation, with a median of 29 weeks. The 2nd dose was given an average of 4 weeks later. Protection was conferred on 80% or more of newborns whose mothers received their 1st tetanus toxoid injection 60 days or more before delivery. Protective levels were seen in all cord blood samples from infants whose mothers had received their 1st injection 90 days before delivery. Similarly,protective titers were found in 100% of cord blood samples when the 2nd maternal injection was give 60 days or more before delivery. There was no significant degree of protection when immunization was carried out less than 20 days before delivery. A single-dose schedule provided no protection when less than 70 days before delivery. Cord and maternal antiotoxin titers differed by no more than 1 2-fold dilution for almost all of the individual paired sera. A cord: maternal antitoxin ratio of 2 was more likely to occur with increasing time between the 2nd injection and delivery. Overall, these findings indicate that the 1st injection of a 2-dose maternal tetanus toxoid schedule should be given at least 60 days and preferably 90 days before delivery.
The early Malaysian experience of laparoscopic sterilisation with the Fallope tubal rings, as undertaken at the Obstetrical and Gynaecological Unit of the University Hospital, University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is reported in a study of 291 consecutive females that had had the procedure undertaken during the one year period, May 1975 to April 1976. Of the 291 cases, 247 women were sterilised in the "interval" period, 43 after "menstrual regulation" procedure and one after a spontaneous abortion. General anaesthesia was used in all except one case. The salient socio-demographic, contraceptive and reproductive characteristics of study cases are presented and discussed. The technical problems, the early complications and morbidity encountered in this study are presented and discussed in the light of other similar studies, and in relation to sterilisation by laparoscopic tubal electrocoagulation. The overall impression is that laparoscopic sterilisation with the Fallope tubal rings is preferred to that by tubal electrocoagulation, in view of the possible inadvertent serious electrical burns of other structures during the use of the latter procedure.
The technique of radical vulvectomy with lymphadenectomy in which primary skin. closure of the large defect is achieved is described. Experience with this operative technique at the University Hospital, Kuala Lurnpur from 1968 to 1980 is reviewed. The technique allows for wide clearance of the tumour and of regional lymphatic channels and nodes in continuity. We have been impressed by the good immediate results and at the primary skin closure achieved in all our cases.
We evaluated 3,066 consecutive women admitted during 1 year to two major hospitals of Kuala Lumpur and the adjacent urban area of Malaysia. Indicators of acute pelvic inflammatory disease were more common among patients with induced abortions. PID was thought to be a major contributor to the higher costs associated with management of patients with induced abortions.
This article describes a study designed to test a method for assessing the cost to the health services of illegally induced abortion and the feasibility of estimating the incidence of induced abortion by a field interviewing approach. The participating centers included three hospitals in Ankara, Turkey; three hospitals in Ibadan, Nigeria; one hospital in Caracas and one in Valencia, Venezuela; and two hospitals in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Hospitalized abortion cases were classified as induced or spontaneous or as "probably induced," "possibly induced," or "unknown" according to a classification scheme comprising certain medical criteria. The sociodemographic characteristics of induced and spontaneous abortion cases were subjected to discriminant function analysis and the discriminating variables best characterizing the induced versus the spontaneous abortion groups were identified for each center. On the basis of this analysis, the "probably" and "possibly" induced and "unknown" categories were further classified as induced or spontaneous abortion, with stated probabilities. Thus an overall estimate is made of the proportion of all hospitalized abortions that can be considered illegally induced outside the hospital. Selected results on costs of induced and spontaneous abortion are shown. The method further tested the feasibility of obtaining valid survey data on abortion from the communities studied by re-interviewing the women hospitalized for induced and spontaneous abortion six months later in their homes. This exercise showed a degree of under-reporting of abortion that varied widely among centers, even among women who had admitted illegal induction at the time of hospitalization. The feasibility of estimating the incidence of illegal abortion by field studies is discussed in the light of these findings.
Pregnancy was associated with cardiac disease in 0.94% of pregnancies. 0.66% with rheumatic lesions and 0.25'\'0 with congenital lesions. The Malays had a higher incidence than the Chinese and Indians. Most of the cardiac pregnancies were in patients between 20-30 years of age and gravida 1 to 4. Nevertheless. still about 30% of cardiac pregnancies were in patients 30 years and over in age and 20% in patient gravida 5 and above. Rheumatic lesions predominated. involving mainly the mitral valve. of which the major lesion was mitral stenosis. PDA. ASD and VSD were the major congenital lesions. Major antepartum matemal complications included arrhythmias. heart failure, anemia and pre-eclampsia. Of the arrhythmias. atrial fibrillation and sinus tachycardia occurred most commonly. A high incidence of prophylactic forceps and vacuum deliveries
was evident. There was one matemal death. The majority of infants were bom alive and well.