Displaying publications 541 - 560 of 4087 in total

  1. Sahibin Abd. Rahim, Zulfahmi Ali Rahman, Wan Mohd Razi Idris, Azman Hashim, Tukimat Lihan, Muhd Barzani Gasim, et al.
    Kajian kandungan logam berat Cd, Co, Cr, Ni, Pb, dan Zn telah dilakukan ke atas tumbuhan Arundina graminifolia daripada kawasan Lombong Pelepah Kanan, Kota Tinggi, Johor. Kandungan logam berat yang sama turut ditentukan ke atas substrata tanih di tempat di mana tumbuhan itu diambil. Kandungan logam berat dalam tiga bahagian tumbuhan iaitu akar, batang dan daun telah diekstrak secara penghadaman basah manakala kandungan logam berat tersedia dan resistan dalam tanih diekstrak dengan kaedah pengekstrakan berjujukan. Kandungan logam berat jumlah didapati dengan menjumlahkan logam berat tersedia dengan logam berat resistant. Kandungan logam berat di dalam larutan ekstrak tanih dan tumbuhan ditentukan menggunakan Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom Nyalaan. Kandungan logam berat Cd, Cr, Ni dan Pb adalah setara kandungannya dalam semua bahagian tumbuhan manakala kepekatan Co dan Zn adalah tiga hingga lima kali lebih tinggi berbanding tumbuhan kawalan. Bagi kandungan logam berat di dalam bahagian tumbuhan yang berbeza didapati kepekatan Cd adalah lebih tinggi dalam akar (2.03 mg/kg) diikuti oleh daun (1.67 mg/kg) dan batang (1.49 mg/kg). Kepekatan Co adalah lebih tinggi dalam daun (9.26 mg/kg) diikuti oleh akar (9.18 mg/kg) dan batang (6.94 mg/kg). Kepekatan Cr mengikut susunan menurun adalah akar (0.46 mg/kg) > daun (0.19 mg/kg) > batang (0.08 mg/kg). Kepekatan Ni adalah lebih tinggi dalam daun (2.78 mg/kg) diikuti oleh akar (2.71 mg/kg) dan batang (1.66 mg/kg). Kepekatan Pb mengikut susunan menurun adalah akar (10.34 mg/kg) > daun (4.18 mg/kg) > batang (3.75 mg/kg). Kepekatan Zn lebih tinggi dalam daun (44.03 mg/kg) diikuti oleh akar (32.30 mg/kg) dan batang (13.21 mg/kg). Kandungan logam berat jumlah dalam tanih adalah masing-masing 2.07-5.59 mg/kg, 8.72-39.93 mg/kg, 1.81-2.14 mg/kg, 2.66-6.87 mg/kg, 23.02-51.56 mg/kg and 0.64-2.61 mg/kg bagi Ni, Zn, Cd, Pb, Co dan Cr. Didapati bahawa kandungan fraksi tersedia dalam tanih adalah 21.9% bagi Ni, 15.3% bagi Zn, 49.9% bagi Cd, 19.3% bagi Pb, 45.7% bagi Co and 0% bagi Cr. Koefisien penyerapan biologi tumbuhan ke atas logam berat yang dikaji adalah rendah keculai bagi Zn yang nilainya lebih daripada 1. Tumbuhan ini tidak sesuai digunakan sebagai agen fitoremediasi untuk logam-logam di atas.
    Matched MeSH terms: Blood Proteins
  2. Leow KT, Aminah Abdullah, Mushrifah Idris
    Anggaran kuantiti dan pencirian fizikokimia sisa buangan makanan adalah pra-keperluan untuk mengoptimumkan proses pengkomposan. Satu tinjauan untuk menganggar jumlah sisa buangan makanan yang dijana oleh sektor komersial (n=10) dan isi rumah (n=50) di Bandar Baru Bangi telah dilakukan. Kehadiran komponen sisa nasi, sisa berasaskan daging, ikan, sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan dan sisa buangan makanan basah yang lain juga diperiksa. Ciri fizikokimia sisa buangan makanan juga dianalisis. Jumlah sisa buangan makanan yang dijana di Bandar Baru Bangi dianggarkan sebanyak 11.41 MT sehari. Sektor isi rumah menyumbang 67.3% manakala sektor komersial menyumbang 32.7% daripada jumlah sisa buangan makanan yang dihasilkan. Kekerapan sisa buangan makanan berkeadaan basah adalah lebih tinggi (p<0.05) di sektor komersial berbanding sektor isi rumah. Sisa nasi merupakan komponen sisa buangan makanan yang paling kerap dijana oleh sektor isi rumah dan sektor komersial. Penilaian ciri fizikokimia menunjukkan nilai pH, kandungan abu, bahan organik, karbon organik, nitrogen dan lemak serta nisbah C/N adalah berbeza (p<0.05) antara sisa buangan makanan yang dijana pada hari yang berlainan. Sisa buangan makanan bersifat asid (pH 4.82-5.17) mempunyai kandungan air (65.9-69.5%) dan lemak yang tinggi (13.1-20.2%) tetapi kandungan nitrogen yang rendah (0.63-0.85%). Walau bagaimanapun, nisbah C/N masih berada dalam julat (20-25) yang sesuai untuk pengkomposan yang berkesan. Oleh yang demikian, dengan memperkenalkan proses pengkomposan, sisa buangan makanan berkenaan berpotensi digunakan sebagai kompos.
    Matched MeSH terms: Blood Proteins
  3. Mohd Nazri Idris, Abdul Razak Daud, Nurakma Mahat, Norinsan Kamil Othman, Fathul Karim Sahrani
    Sains Malaysiana, 2016;45:1835-1841.
    Ancaman biokakisan akibat aktiviti bakteria penurun sulfat (SRB) pada saluran paip keluli karbon dalam industri petroleum boleh menjejaskan kelancaran aliran pengangkutan minyak mentah dan meningkatkan kos pengoperasian. Usaha bagi melindungi keluli karbon serta pengawalan SRB masih memerlukan kajian yang berterusan. Dalam kajian ini, keberkesanan tetrametilamonium bromida (TMB), karboksimetil trimetilamonium (BTN) dan benzalkonium klorida (BKC) bagi melindungi keluli karbon di dalam persekitaran yang mengandungi SRB diuji melalui kaedah pengutuban elektrokimia dinamik (PED) dan morfologi keluli karbon dianalisis menggunakan mikroskop elektron imbasan. Analisis PED mendapati penggunaan TMB, BTN dan BKC masing-masing berupaya mengurangkan kadar kakisan sehingga 0.13, 0.56 dan 0.17 mm/thn berbanding 8.91 mm/thn pada larutan kawalan yang mengandungi SRB. Morfologi permukaan biofilem mengesahkan kadar pertumbuhan SRB serta hasilan metabolisme bakteria ini turut mengalami penyusutan. Kajian ini menunjukkan dua mekanisme kawalan kakisan didapati berlaku iaitu mekanisme perencatan kakisan melalui penjerapan sebatian amonium kuaterner pada permukaan keluli karbon serta berlakunya proses tindak balas mitigasi sebatian ini dengan bakteria SRB. Kesimpulannya, TMB, BTN dan BKC didapati berupaya melindungi keluli karbon daripada mengalami kakisan akibat aktiviti SRB.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adaptor Proteins, Signal Transducing
  4. Ani Shabri, Abdul Aziz Jemain
    Kaedah momen merupakan salah satu teknik termudah dan sering digunakan dalam statistik hidrologi. Bagaimanapun, penganggar momen selalunya memberikan kualiti yang rendah dan tidak sebaik penganggar L-momen terutamanya untuk taburan dengan tiga parameter atau lebih. Pada masa kini, banyak kajian analisis frekuensi serantau dalam hidrologi menggunakan gambar rajah nisbah L-momen untuk memilih taburan yang sesuai bagi data hidrologi dan meteorologi. Kelebihan utama gambar rajah nisbah L-momen adalah pemilihan beberapa taburan yang sesuai boleh dilakukan menggunakan satu graf sahaja. Tujuan utama kertas ini untuk melihat kembali LQ-momen dan untuk membangunkan gambar rajah LQ-momen berdasarkan penganggar median. Menggunakan data aliran banjir dari 73 buah stesen dalam Semenanjung Malaysia, kami meninjau kesesuaian pelbagai model kebarangkalian menggunakan gambar rajah nisbah LQ-momen dan dibandingkan dengan gambar rajah nisbah L-momen. Hasil kajian menunjukkan gambar rajah nisbah LQ-momen secara umumnya memberikan keupayaan yang baik sebagaimana gambar rajah nisbah L-momen dalam memilih taburan frekuensi dan ini membuatkan ianya sesuai untuk dijadikan sebagai pilihan yang menarik untuk digunakan dalam analisis frekuensi banjir.
    Matched MeSH terms: GTPase-Activating Proteins
  5. Sahibin Abd Rahim, Wan Mohd Razi Idris, Zulfahmi Ali Rahman, Tukimat Lihan, Ramilan Omar, Liew KY
    Sains Malaysiana, 2012;41:11-21.
    Kajian ini dijalankan di kawasan tanih ultrabes di Felda Rokan Barat (FRB), Negeri Sembilan. Sebanyak dua puluh sampel cili, kunyit, pandan dan serai serta substratnya telah diambil secara rawak untuk penentuan kandungan logam berat Fe, Cd, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Cr dan Zn. Kandungan logam berat dalam tumbuhan diekstrak secara penghadaman basah, manakala kandungan logam berat resistan dan tersedia dalam tanih diekstrak dengan kaedah pengekstrakan berjujukan. Kandungan logam berat jumlah diperoleh dengan menjumlahkan kandungan logam berat rintang dan tersedia. Kandungan logam berat di dalam larutan ekstrak tanih dan tumbuhan ditentukan dengan menggunakan Spektrofotometer Penyerapan Atom Nyalaan (FAAS). Hasil kajian menunjukkan logam Fe adalah dominan di dalam tanih di kawasan kajian manakala kepekatan logam Cd paling rendah dengan nilai < 10 mg/kg. Sela kepekatan logam-logam berat dalam tanih ialah Fe (2618.4 hingga 4248 mg/kg), Mn (240.9 hingga 741.9 mg/kg), Zn (81.9 hingga 324.8 mg/kg), Cr (46.8 hingga 438.7 mg/kg), Cu (15.7 hingga 81.7 mg/kg), Pb (14.9 hingga 116.8 mg/kg), Ni (10.1 hingga 545.6 mg/kg), Cd (5.6 hingga 10.6 mg/kg) dan Co (0.8 hingga 126.1 mg/kg). Nilai kepekatan Fe tersedia mencatatkan nilai tertinggi bagi semua substrat tumbuhan, diikuti oleh Mn, Zn, Pb, Ni, Cr, Cu, Co dan Cd. Berdasarkan peratusan tersedia Mn, Pb dan Zn merupakan logam berat yang paling banyak tersedia diambil oleh tumbuhan dengan nilai 8 hingga 10%. Kepekatan Fe, Mn, Ni dan Zn menunjukkan purata kepekatan yang tinggi pada bahagian tumbuhan yang dikaji berbanding dengan logam lain. Nilai koefisien penyerapan biologi (BAC) bagi cili, kunyit, pandan dan serai masing-masing dalam julat 0.02-0.36, 0.03-0.41, 0.03-0.63 dan 0.03-1.15. Boleh disimpulkan bahawa penyerapan logam berat oleh tumbuhan adalah normal walaupun kepekatan logam berat dalam tanih ultrabes adalah tinggi.
    Matched MeSH terms: Blood Proteins
  6. Sahibin A, Wanmohd Razi I., Zulfahmi A, Tukimat L, Akjalaludin A, Azman H, et al.
    Sains Malaysiana, 2013;42:289-299.
    Kajian ini telah dijalankan di kawasan tanih ultrabes di Felda Rokan Barat, Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan. Sebanyak lima belas sampel tumbuhan dan substratnya telah diambil dari kawasan kajian dengan kaedah berkelompok. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk menentukan kandungan logam berat Fe, Ni, Cr, Mn, Co, Zn, Cu, Cd dan Pb di dalam tanih dan bahagian akar, batang dan daun tumbuhan. Koefisien penyerapan biologi (BAC) ditentukan secara perkiraan. Kandungan logam berat di dalam tumbuhan diekstrak secara penghadaman basah manakala kandungan di dalam tanih diekstrak dengan kaedah pengekstrakan berjujukan. Kandungan logam berat di dalam larutan ekstrak tanih dan tumbuhan ditentukan menggunakan spektrofotometer penyerapan atom kaedah nyalaan (FAAS). Hasil kajian menunjukkan kepekatan logam berat paling tinggi dalam substrat pokok daun kari Murraya koenigi adalah Fe, diikuti oleh Mn, Cr, Co, Ni, Zn, Cu, Cd dan Pb dengan purata kepekatan masing-masing sebanyak 1699.64 mg/kg, 532.59 mg/kg, 212.43 mg/kg, 195.02 mg/kg, 174.97 mg/kg, 48.11 mg/kg, 43.86 mg/kg, 3.65 mg/kg dan 0.48 mg/kg. Kepekatan logam berat tersedia bagi Mn dan Pb
    adalah lebih tinggi berbanding logam berat tersedia yang lain berdasarkan peratus. Kandungan Fe dan Mn adalah tinggi di dalam semua bahagian tumbuhan. Walau bagaimanapun, berdasarkan nilai purata kumulatif BAC, hanya logam Pb menunjukkan nilai penimbunan yang agak tinggi dalam tumbuhan. Kajian ini menunjukkan pokok daun kari (Murraya koenigi) bukan tumbuhan penumpuk logam berat berdasarkan kepada nilai BACnya yang rendah.
    Matched MeSH terms: Blood Proteins
  7. Zaman R, Islam RA, Ibnat N, Othman I, Zaini A, Lee CY, et al.
    J Control Release, 2019 05 10;301:176-189.
    PMID: 30849445 DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2019.02.016
    Macromolecular protein and peptide therapeutics have been proven to be effective in treating critical human diseases precisely. Thanks to biotechnological advancement, a huge number of proteins and peptide therapeutics were made their way to pharmaceutical market in past few decades. However, one of the biggest challenges to be addressed for protein therapeutics during clinical application is their fast degradation in serum and quick elimination owing to enzymatic degradation, renal clearance, liver metabolism and immunogenicity, attributing to the short half-lives. Size and hydrophobicity of protein molecules make them prone to kidney filtration and liver metabolism. On the other hand, proteasomes responsible for protein destruction possess the capability of specifically recognizing almost all kinds of foreign proteins while avoiding any unwanted destruction of cellular components. At present almost all protein-based drug formulations available in market are administered intravenously (IV) or subcutaneously (SC) with high dosing at frequent interval, eventually creating dose-fluctuation-related complications and reducing patient compliance vastly. Therefore, artificially increasing the therapeutic half-life of a protein by attaching to it a molecule that increases the overall size (eg, PEG) or helps with receptor mediated recycling (eg, albumin), or manipulating amino acid chain in a way that makes it more prone towards aggregate formation, are some of the revolutionary approaches to avoid the fast degradation in vivo. Half-life extension technologies that are capable of dramatically enhancing half-lives of proteins in circulation (2-100 folds) and thus improving their overall pharmacokinetic (PK) parameters have been successfully applied on a wide range of protein therapeutics from hormones and enzymes, growth factor, clotting factor to interferon. The focus of the review is to assess the technological advancements made so far in enhancing circulatory half-lives and improving therapeutic potency of proteins.
    Matched MeSH terms: Proteins/pharmacokinetics*; Proteins/therapeutic use; Proteins/chemistry
  8. Kittiwattanawong K, Ponlawat A, Boonrotpong S, Nanakorn N, Kongchouy N, Moonmake S, et al.
    Trop Biomed, 2020 Jun 01;37(2):397-408.
    PMID: 33612809
    The Anopheles dirus mosquito is a primary malaria vector that transmits many species of Plasmodium parasites in Thailand and is widely spread across its geographic area. In the current study, the levels of expression of the suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS) gene in An. dirus mosquitoes infected with P. vivax were examined. The level of the gene's expression determined by mRNA extraction in An. dirus females (n=2,400) was studied at different times (0, 12, 24, 36, and 48 h after feeding), with different types of blood feeding (non-feeding, parasite-negative blood feeding, parasite-positive blood feeding) and in different parts of the body of mosquito samples (thorax and abdomen). The datasets were analyzed based on their relative expression ratio by the 2-ΔΔCT method and were tested for significant differences with ANOVA. The results showed that the An. dirus SOCS gene was stimulated in the abdomen 12 h and 24 h after blood feeding about three times more highly than in unfed females, with the difference being significant. At 24 h after P. vivax-infected blood feeding, the SOCS gene in the abdomen was expressed more highly than 24 h after parasite-negative blood feeding and expression was almost 36 times higher than in the control group who were not fed blood. However, in the thorax at all times after feeding and non-feeding, there was no expression of the SOCS gene. Therefore, the SOCS gene in An. dirus was most highly expressed 24 h post-feeding with a P. vivax-infected bloodmeal, which indicates that the SOCS gene in the major malaria vector in Thailand plays an important role in its immune system and its response to P. vivax infection.
    Matched MeSH terms: Insect Proteins/genetics*; Suppressor of Cytokine Signaling Proteins/genetics*
  9. Nakamura C, Liu MM, Goo YK, Zhang GH, Jia HL, Kumagai A, et al.
    Trop Biomed, 2020 Dec 01;37(4):1029-1037.
    PMID: 33612755 DOI: 10.47665/tb.37.4.1029
    Previously, we have identified a gene encoding thrombospondin-related anonymous protein of Babesia gibsoni (BgTRAP), and have shown that the antisera raised against recombinant BgTRAP expressed in Escherichia coli inhibited the growth of parasites. In the present study, a recombinant vaccinia virus expressing the BgTRAP (VV/BgTRAP) was constructed. A specific band with a molecular mass of 80 kDa, which is similar to that of native BgTRAP on the merozoites of B. gibsoni, was detected in the supernatant of VV/ BgTRAP-infected RK13 cells. Mice inoculated with VV/BgTRAP produced a specific antiBgTRAP response. The antiserum against VV/BgTRAP showed reactivity against the native BgTRAP on parasites. These results indicated that the recombinant vaccinia virus expressing BgTRAP might be a vaccine candidate against canine B. gibsoni infection.
    Matched MeSH terms: Recombinant Proteins/immunology; Protozoan Proteins/immunology*
  10. Yogarathinam LT, Velswamy K, Gangasalam A, Ismail AF, Goh PS, Narayanan A, et al.
    J Environ Manage, 2022 Jan 01;301:113872.
    PMID: 34607142 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.113872
    Effluent originating from cheese production puts pressure onto environment due to its high organic load. Therefore, the main objective of this work was to compare the influence of different process variables (transmembrane pressure (TMP), Reynolds number and feed pH) on whey protein recovery from synthetic and industrial cheese whey using polyethersulfone (PES 30 kDa) membrane in dead-end and cross-flow modes. Analysis on the fouling mechanistic model indicates that cake layer formation is dominant as compared to other pore blocking phenomena evaluated. Among the input variables, pH of whey protein solution has the biggest influence towards membrane flux and protein rejection performances. At pH 4, electrostatic attraction experienced by whey protein molecules prompted a decline in flux. Cross-flow filtration system exhibited a whey rejection value of 0.97 with an average flux of 69.40 L/m2h and at an experimental condition of 250 kPa and 8 for TMP and pH, respectively. The dynamic behavior of whey effluent flux was modeled using machine learning (ML) tool convolutional neural networks (CNN) and recursive one-step prediction scheme was utilized. Linear and non-linear correlation indicated that CNN model (R2 - 0.99) correlated well with the dynamic flux experimental data. PES 30 kDa membrane displayed a total protein rejection coefficient of 0.96 with 55% of water recovery for the industrial cheese whey effluent. Overall, these filtration studies revealed that this dynamic whey flux data studies using the CNN modeling also has a wider scope as it can be applied in sensor tuning to monitor flux online by means of enhancing whey recovery efficiency.
    Matched MeSH terms: Whey Proteins
  11. Mohd Azmi UZ, Yusof NA, Abdullah J, Alang Ahmad SA, Mohd Faudzi FN, Ahmad Raston NH, et al.
    Mikrochim Acta, 2021 01 06;188(1):20.
    PMID: 33404779 DOI: 10.1007/s00604-020-04669-x
    An early detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is very important to reduce the number of fatal cases and allow for fast recovery. However, the interpretation of the result from smear microscopy requires skilled personnel due to the propensity of the method to produce false-negative results. In this work, a portable, rapid, and simple sandwich-type immunosensor reader has been developed that is able to detect the presence of M. tuberculosis in sputum samples. By using sandwich-type immunosensor, an anti-CFP10-ESAT6 antibody was immobilized onto the graphene/polyaniline (GP/PANI)-modified gold screen-printed electrode. After incubation with the target CFP10-ESAT6 antigen, the iron/gold magnetic nanoparticles (Fe3O4/Au MNPs) conjugated with anti-CFP10-ESAT6 antibody were used to complete the sandwich format. Differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) technique was used to detect the CFP10-ESAT6 antigen at the potential range of 0.0-1.0 V. The detection time is less than 2 h. Under optimal condition, CFP10-ESAT6 antigen was detected in a linear range from 10 to 500 ng mL-1 with a limit of detection at 1.5 ng mL-1. The method developed from this process was then integrated into a portable reader. The performance of the sensor was investigated and compared with the standard methods (culture and smear microscopy). It provides a good correlation (100% sensitivity and 91.7% specificity) with both methods of detection for M. tuberculosis in sputum samples henceforth, demonstrating the potential of the device as a more practical screening tool.Graphical abstract.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bacterial Proteins/analysis*; Recombinant Fusion Proteins/analysis*
  12. Wan Afifudeen CL, Aziz A, Wong LL, Takahashi K, Toda T, Abd Wahid ME, et al.
    Phytochemistry, 2021 Dec;192:112936.
    PMID: 34509143 DOI: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2021.112936
    The non-model microalga Messastrum gracile SE-MC4 is a potential species for biodiesel production. However, low biomass productivity hinders it from passing the life cycle assessment for biodiesel production. Therefore, the current study was aimed at uncovering the differences in the transcriptome profiles of the microalgae at early exponential and early stationary growth phases and dissecting the roles of specific differential expressed genes (DEGs) involved in cell division during M. gracile cultivation. The transcriptome analysis revealed that the photosynthetic integral membrane protein genes such as photosynthetic antenna protein were severely down-regulated during the stationary growth phase. In addition, the signaling pathways involving transcription, glyoxylate metabolism and carbon metabolism were also down-regulated during stationary growth phase. Current findings suggested that the coordination between photosynthetic integral membrane protein genes, signaling through transcription and carbon metabolism classified as prominent strategies during exponential growth stage. These findings can be applied in genetic improvement of M. gracile for biodiesel application.
    Matched MeSH terms: Membrane Proteins
  13. Abdo AIK, Ngoh YY, Lew MH, Dass SA, Rahumatullah A, Noordin R, et al.
    Biotechnol Appl Biochem, 2022 Feb;69(1):70-76.
    PMID: 33258152 DOI: 10.1002/bab.2082
    Lymphatic filariasis is a neglected parasitic disease that affects millions in tropical and subtropical countries and is caused by Wuchereria and Brugia species. Specific and sensitive detection methods are essential in mapping infected areas where rapid tests are needed to cover underdeveloped and remote regions, which facilitates eliminating the disease as a public health problem. A few commercialized rapid tests based on antigen or antibody detection are available, but the former only detects infection by Wuchereria species and cross-reacts with nonlymphatic filaria, whereas antibody detection might provide positive results of previous infection. Here, we report the production of three different recombinant immunoglobulin gamma (IgG)1 antibodies based on scFvs previously generated via human antibody phage display technology, that is, anti-BmR1 clone 4, anti-BmXSP clone 5B, and anti-BmXSP clone 2H2. The scFv sequences were cloned into a pCMV-IgG1 vector, then transfected into a HEK293F cell line. The generated antibodies were found to be able to bind to their respective targets even at relatively low concentration. Conjugation of Fc to scFv induces binder stability and provides multiple labeling sites for probes and signaling molecules that can be used in rapid tests.
    Matched MeSH terms: Recombinant Proteins
  14. Md S, Mustafa G, Baboota S, Ali J
    Drug Dev Ind Pharm, 2015;41(12):1922-34.
    PMID: 26057769 DOI: 10.3109/03639045.2015.1052081
    Brain disorders remain the world's leading cause of disability, and account for more hospitalizations and prolonged care than almost all other diseases combined. The majority of drugs, proteins and peptides do not readily permeate into brain due to the presence of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), thus impeding treatment of these conditions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Proteins
  15. Alrosan M, Tan TC, Easa AM, Gammoh S, Alu'datt MH
    J Food Sci, 2021 Dec;86(12):5282-5294.
    PMID: 34796499 DOI: 10.1111/1750-3841.15974
    Poor solubility is a substantial factor that restricts the production of high value-added lentil proteins (LPs). In this study, whey protein isolates (WPIs), which have high solubility and are used in various food industries, were mixed with LPs at pH 12 to create LP-WPI protein complexes with improved water solubility properties using pH-recycling approach (maintained at pH 12.0 for 60 min and then readjusting to pH 7.0). LP-WPI protein complexes produced in this study have gained high surface charge, increased in the solubilization of protein complexes to ≈92%, as well as improved resistance against protein aggregation. The ratio of LPs to WPIs has a significant effect on the generation of unique tertiary and secondary protein structures based on the protein-protein interaction (PPI) technique via pH-recycling. The protein interaction between LPs and WPIs resulted in alteration on the surface morphology of the produced protein complexes. This study showed that electrostatic interaction, hydrophobic force, and hydrogen bond appear as major molecular forces in this PPI. The efficacy of the pH-recycling method used in this research indicates that this approach could be a robust approach to enhance the functional properties of food proteins. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: The pH-recycling technique is a proven technique for protein complexation in creating novel protein complexes with improved functional properties. Even though lentils are a rich source of plant-based protein, its utilization by food industries is restricted due to the poor water solubility of lentil proteins (LPs). However, by using complexing lentil proteins with whey protein isolates (WPIs), that is, LP-WPI protein complex, was developed. The water solubility of LP-WPI protein complex was significantly higher than LPs, up to approximately 92%. In addition, this could improve the utilization of lentil seeds in food application as an alternative for animal-based proteins.
    Matched MeSH terms: Whey Proteins
  16. Sthaneshwar P, Thambiah SC, Mat Salleh MJ, Nasuruddin DN, Ahmad Zabidi NF, Jelani AM, et al.
    Malays J Pathol, 2021 Aug;43(2):281-290.
    PMID: 34448792
    INTRODUCTION: Serum protein electrophoresis (SPE) is a well-established laboratory technique. However, reporting of results varies considerably between laboratories. The variation in reporting can cause confusion to the clinician with a potential of adversely impacting patient care. The purpose of the survey was to find out the variation in reporting and to prepare recommendations to the Malaysian laboratories based on the survey to reduce both the variation in reporting between laboratories and the risk of misinterpretation of reports.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: To determine the extent of variation in reporting of protein electrophoresis results questionnaires were distributed to the pathologists of various laboratories in Malaysia regarding the method, quantification of paraprotein concentrations and immunoglobulin assays, and information regarding current laboratory electrophoresis practices.

    RESULTS: Variation was found in the following reporting practices: (a) screening protocol; (b) reporting of serum albumin; (c) numerical reporting of protein fractions and paraprotein; (d) co-migration of a paraprotein with a normal serum protein; (e) reporting of multiple paraprotein bands (f) appearance of small abnormal band and oligoclonal bands and (g) communication about of interferences.

    CONCLUSION: The pathologists of the country made recommendations on the reporting of protein electrophoresis. Harmonised reporting will reduce inconsistency, variation in reporting, improve the quality of the report and most importantly improve patient care.

    Matched MeSH terms: Blood Proteins
  17. Lim KL, Amir A, Lau YL, Fong MY
    Malar J, 2017 08 11;16(1):331.
    PMID: 28800732 DOI: 10.1186/s12936-017-1984-8
    BACKGROUND: The zoonotic Plasmodium knowlesi is a major cause of human malaria in Malaysia. This parasite uses the Duffy binding protein (PkDBPαII) to interact with the Duffy antigen receptor for chemokines (DARC) receptor on human and macaque erythrocytes to initiate invasion. Previous studies on P. knowlesi have reported distinct Peninsular Malaysia and Malaysian Borneo PkDBPαII haplotypes. In the present study, the differential binding activity of these haplotypes with human and macaque (Macaca fascicularis) erythrocytes was investigated.

    METHODS: The PkDBPαII of Peninsular Malaysia and Malaysian Borneo were expressed on the surface of COS-7 cells and tested with human and monkey erythrocytes, with and without anti-Fy6 (anti-Duffy) monoclonal antibody treatment. Binding activity level was determined by counting the number of rosettes formed between the transfected COS-7 cells and the erythrocytes.

    RESULTS: Anti-Fy6 treatment was shown to completely block the binding of human erythrocytes with the transfected COS-7 cells, thus verifying the specific binding of human DARC with PkDBPαII. Interestingly, the PkDBPαII of Peninsular Malaysia displayed a higher binding activity with human erythrocytes when compared with the Malaysian Borneo PkDBPαII haplotype (mean number of rosettes formed = 156.89 ± 6.62 and 46.00 ± 3.57, respectively; P 

    Matched MeSH terms: Carrier Proteins/metabolism*; Protozoan Proteins/metabolism*
  18. Veno J, Ahmad Kamarudin NH, Mohamad Ali MS, Masomian M, Raja Abd Rahman RNZ
    Int J Mol Sci, 2017 Nov 04;18(11).
    PMID: 29113034 DOI: 10.3390/ijms18112202
    In the industrial processes, lipases are expected to operate at temperatures above 45 °C and could retain activity in organic solvents. Hence, a C-terminal truncated lipase from Staphylococcus epidermis AT2 (rT-M386) was engineered by directed evolution. A mutant with glycine-to-cysteine substitution (G210C) demonstrated a remarkable improvement of thermostability, whereby the mutation enhanced the activity five-fold when compared to the rT-M386 at 50 °C. The rT-M386 and G210C lipases were purified concurrently using GST-affinity chromatography. The biochemical and biophysical properties of both enzymes were investigated. The G210C lipase showed a higher optimum temperature (45 °C) and displayed a more prolonged half-life in the range of 40-60 °C as compared to rT-M386. Both lipases exhibited optimal activity and stability at pH 8. The G210C showed the highest stability in the presence of polar organic solvents at 50 °C compared to the rT-M386. Denatured protein analysis presented a significant change in the molecular ellipticity value above 60 °C, which verified the experimental result on the temperature and thermostability profile of G210C.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bacterial Proteins/genetics; Bacterial Proteins/metabolism*; Bacterial Proteins/chemistry
  19. Surendran A, Siddiqui Y, Ali NS, Manickam S
    J Appl Microbiol, 2018 Jun;124(6):1544-1555.
    PMID: 29405525 DOI: 10.1111/jam.13717
    AIM: Ganoderma sp, the causal pathogen of the basal stem rot (BSR) disease of oil palm, secretes extracellular hydrolytic enzymes. These play an important role in the pathogenesis of BSR by nourishing the pathogen through the digestion of cellulose and hemicellulose of the host tissue. Active suppression of hydrolytic enzymes secreted by Ganoderma boninense by various naturally occurring phenolic compounds and estimation of their efficacy on pathogen suppression is focused in this study.

    METHODS AND RESULTS: Ten naturally occurring phenolic compounds were assessed for their inhibitory effect on the hydrolytic enzymes of G. boninense. The enzyme kinetics (Vmax and Km ) and the stability of the hydrolytic enzymes were also characterized. The selected compounds had shown inhibitory effect at various concentrations. Two types of inhibitions namely uncompetitive and noncompetitive were observed in the presence of phenolic compounds. Among all the phenolic compounds tested, benzoic acid was the most effective compound suppressive to the growth and production of hydrolytic enzymes secreted by G. boninense. The phenolic compounds as inhibitory agents can be a better replacement for the metal ions which are known as conventional inhibitors till date. The three hydrolytic enzymes were stable in a wide range of pH and temperature.

    CONCLUSION: These findings highlight the efficacy of the applications of phenolic compounds to control Ganoderma.

    SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The study has proved a replacement for chemical controls of G. boninense with naturally occurring phenolic compounds.

    Matched MeSH terms: Fungal Proteins/antagonists & inhibitors; Fungal Proteins/metabolism; Fungal Proteins/chemistry
  20. Kueh R, Rahman NA, Merican AF
    J Mol Model, 2003 Apr;9(2):88-98.
    PMID: 12707802
    The arginine repressor (ArgR) of Escherichia coli binds to six L-arginine molecules that act as its co-repressor in order to bind to DNA. The binding of L-arginine molecules as well as its structural analogues is compared by means of computational docking. A grid-based energy evaluation method combined with a Monte Carlo simulated annealing process was used in the automated docking. For all ligands, the docking procedure proposed more than one binding site in the C-terminal domain of ArgR (ArgRc). Interaction patterns of ArgRc with L-arginine were also observed for L-canavanine and L-citrulline. L-lysine and L-homoarginine, on the other hand, were shown to bind poorly at the binding site. Figure A general overview of the sites found from docking the various ligands into ArgRc ( grey ribbons). Red coloured sticks: residues in binding site H that was selected for docking
    Matched MeSH terms: Repressor Proteins/chemistry*; Escherichia coli Proteins/chemistry*
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