Methods: 21 day old male Sprague Dawley rats were assigned as Experiment-1 & 2 - PND rats were divided into 4 groups with interventions for 7 months (n = 8/group). NC- Normal control fed normal chow diet; OB- Obese group, fed high fat diet; OB + CHO + DHA- fed high fat diet and oral supplementation of choline, DHA. OB + EE- fed high fat diet along with exposure to enriched environment .Experiment-2 had similar groups and interventions as experiment 1 but for next 5 months were fed normal chow diet without any interventions. Body mass index was assessed and blood was analyzed for serum lipid profile. Common Carotid Artery (CCA) was processed for Haematoxylin and eosin, Verhoff Vangeison stains. Images of tissue sections were analyzed and quantified using image J and tissue quant software.
Results: In experiment.1, mean body mass index (p
Methodology: Thirty rats were treated to receive 0.5 mL phosphate-buffered saline (group A, control), 0.5 mL corn oil (group B), 0.2% CPZ (group C), for 6 weeks, 0.2% CPZ for 3 weeks and then 200 mg/kg of Kv for 3 weeks (group D), or 200 mg/kg of Kv for 3 weeks followed by 0.2% CPZ for 3 weeks (group E). Rats were assessed for exploratory functions and anxiety-like behaviour before being euthanised and perfused transcardially with 4% paraformaldehyde. Prefrontal and hippocampal thin sections were stained in hematoxylin and eosin and cresyl fast violet stains.
Results: CPZ-induced demyelination resulted in behavioural impairment as seen by reduced exploratory activities, rearing behaviour, stretch attend posture, center square entry, and anxiogenic characteristics. Degenerative changes including pyknosis, karyorrhexis, neuronal hypertrophy, and reduced Nissl integrity were also seen. Animals treated with Kv showed significant improvement in behavioural outcomes and a comparatively normal cytoarchitectural profile.
Conclusion: Kv provides protective roles against CPZ-induced neurotoxicity through prevention of ribosomal protein degradation.