METHODS: This was a cross-sectional with systematic sampling conducted from June to December 2019 in Tengkera Health Clinic (THC). Patient Health Questionnaire- 9 (PHQ-9), socioeconomic data and a dichotomous yes-no response for intention to seek help was collected from 273 elderly patients attending the outpatient clinic.
RESULTS: The prevalence of elderly depression at THC was 10.3% and the prevalence of intention to seek professional help for depression among elderly patients at Tengkera Health Clinic was 27.5%. Factors that were associated with intention to seek professional help for depression were prior experience of seeking professional help, adjusted OR 3.45[95%CI (1.41-8.48)] and education level of the respondents- secondary education, adjusted OR 3.10 [95%CI (1.01-9.53)] comparing with no formal education; tertiary education, adjusted OR 4.66 [95%CI (1.08-20.04)] comparing with no formal education.
CONCLUSION: The prevalence of elderly depression was high while the prevalence of intention to seek professional help for depression in the sample population was low. Primary care physicians play a vital role in identifying elderly patients with low education level for screening and treatment as well as promoting awareness and breaking down barriers and stigma towards mental illness.
METHODOLOGY AND FINDINGS: The World Health Organization's DengueNet provided the annual number of DF cases in 16 countries in the Asia-Pacific region for the period 1955 to 2004. This fifty-year dataset was divided into five ten-year periods as the basis for the investigation of DF transmission trends. Space-time cluster analyses were conducted using scan statistics to detect the disease clusters. This study shows an increasing trend in the spatiotemporal distribution of DF in the Asia-Pacific region over the study period. Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Singapore and Malaysia are identified as the most likely clusters (relative risk = 13.02) of DF transmission in this region in the period studied (1995 to 2004). The study also indicates that, for the most part, DF transmission has expanded southwards in the region.
CONCLUSIONS: This information will lead to the improvement of DF prevention and control strategies in the Asia-Pacific region by prioritizing control efforts and directing them where they are most needed.