Plasmasitoma ekstramedulari adalah komplikasi myeloma berbilang yang sangat
jarang berlaku. Kami melaporkan kes seorang wanita berumur 56 tahun yang
menghidap myeloma berbilang yang telah mengalami bengkak pada mata kiri. Ia
menyebabkan bola mata beliau tersembul, luka pada kornea dan juga kemerosotan
penglihatan. Biopsi tisu menunjukkan perebakan plasma sel neoplastik yang positif
kepada CD138 dan rantai ringan Kappa yang menepati ciri-ciri plasmasitoma.
Setelah melalui rawatan radio-kemoterapi, pembengkakan mata susut dengan
ketara sekali namun kemerosotan penglihatan beliau tidak berubah.
Steroid-induced glaucoma is the most serious complication of the injudicious use of steroids, particularly among children affected by allergic conjunctivitis. This condition is steroid-dependent, and children are commonly being prescribed topical anti-inflammatories, including topical steroids, by general practitioners. Furthermore, topical steroids are also available over the counter, and this availability contributes to overuse without proper monitoring by an ophthalmologist. We present a series of five cases illustrating the devastating effect of unmonitored, long-term use of steroids among children for vernal keratoconjunctivitis. The medications were prescribed initially by general ophthalmologists and were continually bought over the counter by parents. At the presentation to our center, these patients were already compromised visually, exhibiting glaucomatous optic disc changes and high intraocular pressure. The series highlights the optic nerve damage resulting in irreversible visual compromises among children on long-term, topical steroids and the importance of regular monitoring with a low threshold for ophthalmologist referral.