METHODS: A retrospective analysis of medical records from a Malaysian tertiary care hospital documented bariatric surgeries conducted from January 2020 to January 2022. Rigorous criteria selected 200 patients from 327, evenly split between standard care and intensive dietary support groups. The latter underwent six mandatory visits with a surgeon and a dietitian in the initial 3 months post-surgery. A dual-review mechanism was implemented for data interpretation, increasing robustness, and reducing biases in our findings.
RESULTS: At 6 and 12 months, the intensive dietary support group exhibited significantly greater weight loss and BMI reduction (p < 0.01). Postoperative complications did not significantly differ between groups.
CONCLUSION: In an Asian population, intensive dietary support enhances weight loss and BMI reduction compared to standard care after bariatric surgery.
METHOD: The method based on constructing atlases for the portal and the hepatic veins bifurcations, the atlas is used to localize the corresponding vein in each segmented vasculature using atlas matching. Point-based registration is used to deform the mesh of atlas to the vein branch. Three-dimensional distance map of the hepatic veins is constructed; the fast marching scheme is applied to extract the centerlines. The centerlines of the labeled major veins are extracted by defining the starting and the ending points of each labeled vein. Centerline is extracted by finding the shortest path between the two points. The extracted centerline is used to define the trajectories to plot the required planes between the anatomical segments.
RESULTS: The proposed approach is validated on the IRCAD database. Using visual inspection, the method succeeded to extract the major veins centerlines. Based on that, the anatomic segments are defined according to Couinaud segmental anatomy.
CONCLUSION: Automatic liver segmental anatomy identification assists the surgeons for liver analysis in a robust and reproducible way. The anatomic segments with other liver structures construct a 3D visualization tool that is used by the surgeons to study clearly the liver anatomy and the extension of the cancer inside the liver.