Imatinib mesylate--Gleevec (US), Glivec (worldwide), STI571--is an oral cancer drug that selectively inhibits several protein tyrosine kinases associated with human malignancy. The drug is used for the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia, malignant gastrointestinal stromal tumors, and some other conditions. Treatment with imatinib is generally well tolerated but not without the risk of adverse effects. The risk of severe adverse events is low. Cutaneous side effects of this drug are common but muco-cutaneous lichenoid eruption with nail changes is very rare. We report a case of lichenoid eruption during imatinib therapy involving the skin, mucous membranes, and nails that cleared in spite of ongoing imatinib therapy.
A variety of betel/areca nut/tobacco habits have been reviewed and categorized because of their possible causal association with oral cancer and various oral precancerous lesions and conditions, and on account of their widespread occurrence in different parts of the world. At a recent workshop in Kuala Lumpur it was recommended that "quid" be defined as "a substance, or mixture of substances, placed in the mouth or chewed and remaining in contact with the mucosa, usually containing one or both of the two basic ingredients, tobacco and/or areca nut, in raw or any manufactured or processed form." Clear delineations on contents of the quid (areca nut quid, tobacco quid, and tobacco and areca nut quid) are recommended as absolute criteria with finer subdivisions to be added if necessary. The betel quid refers to any quid wrapped in betel leaf and is therefore a specific variety of quid. The workshop proposed that quid-related lesions should be categorized conceptually into two categories: first, those that are diffusely outlined and second, those localized at the site where a quid is regularly placed. Additional or expanded criteria and guidelines were proposed to define, describe or identify lesions such as chewer's mucosa, areca nut chewer's lesion, oral submucous fibrosis and other quid-related lesions. A new clinical entity, betel-quid lichenoid lesion, was also proposed to describe an oral lichen planus-like lesion associated with the betel quid habit.
There is presently no line of distinction between oral lichen planus and other oral lichenoid lesions. The aim of this study is to determine using histomorphometry, the differences between these lesions. Paraffin sections from 7 normal buccal epithelium, 19 oral lichen planus (LP), 14 oral lichenoid lesions (LL) and 7 discoid lupus erythematosus-like lesions (DLE-ll) were selected. The nuclear volume (V(N)) and cellular-volume (V(CELL)) of the epithelium were assessed using an image analyser. The V(N) and V(CELL), derived for both basal and spinal strata in LP and DLE-ll were 2.3 times more than that of normal tissues. There was a significant difference between LP and LL (P < 0.005) and between LL and DLE-ll (P < 0.001), but not between LP and DLE-ll. In conclusion, there appears to be a difference between LP, LL and DLE-ll and V(N) and V(CELL) may serve as potential discriminators between these groups of lesions.