Laparotomy incisions provide easy and rapid access to the peritoneal cavity in case of emergency surgery. Incisional hernia (IH) is a late manifestation of the failure of abdominal wall closure and represents frequent complication of any abdominal incision: IHs can cause pain and discomfort to the patients but also clinical serious sequelae like bowel obstruction, incarceration, strangulation, and necessity of reoperation. Previous guidelines and indications in the literature consider elective settings and evidence about laparotomy closure in emergency settings is lacking. This paper aims to present the World Society of Emergency Surgery (WSES) project called ECLAPTE (Effective Closure of LAParoTomy in Emergency): the final manuscript includes guidelines on the closure of emergency laparotomy.
Adhesive small bowel obstruction (ASBO) is an annoying postoperative complication. Though the diagnosis can be made easily, the role of conservative management in children is controversial. Hence a study was conducted to determine the role of conservative management, and to identify the factors that can predict / influence the outcome of conservative treatment in children with ASBO. Children admitted with ASBO from 1980 to 2002 (22 year period) formed the material for this study. The data was analyzed with respect to the influence of age at the time of presentation, primary disease for which original laparotomy was done, time interval between the primary surgery and the development of ASBO and the number of laparotomies prior to the development of ASBO on the outcome of conservative management. There were 74 episodes of ASBO in 69 children (Five children had two episodes). Out of 74 episodes, 5 episodes (6.75%) needed immediate laparotomy for suspected gangrene. All others were managed conservatively. Of the 69 episodes managed conservatively, 36 responded to conservative treatment (2-5 days) while 33 required subsequent surgical intervention, with 11 of them requiring bowel resection (two for gangrene and 9 for bowel damage during adhesiolysis) and in the rest 22 cases adhesiolysis. A substantial number of children with ASBO respond well to conservative treatment. Majority of the children developed ASBO within three months after the primary laparotomy. Children below the age of one year (at the time of presentation with ASBO) responded poorly to the conservative management. Children who had primary surgery for Hirschsprung's disease and intussusception also appeared to have responded poorly to conservative management, but statistically not significant. Time interval between the primary surgery and the number of laparotomies before the child developed ASBO did not influence the outcome of conservative management.
The association between pain intensity and its control by intravenous patient-controlled analgesia (IV-PCA) with fentanyl after a laparotomy for cystectomy/salphingoophorectomy, myomectomy, or hysterectomy was investigated. IV fentanyl infusion was administered to patients (n = 94) at 3 μg/kg/h to provide intraoperative analgesia after induction of general anesthesia. Postoperative fentanyl requirements were quantified via IV-PCA, and the amounts of rescue fentanyl required both during and after surgery were recorded. Mean values for PCA use as well as the visual analog scores (VAS) for pain were documented for up to 24 hours. The association between postoperative fentanyl requirements and VAS were then analyzed by using Mann-Whitney or Kruskal-Wallis tests. Patients with lower midline incisions had greater degrees of pain (p < .05) during the first 16 hours after surgery but did not consume more fentanyl compared with patients with Pfannenstiel incisions. Subjects who underwent operations lasting >4 hours required more rescue fentanyl during surgery (p < .05). However, this group consumed less fentanyl during the first 4 hours after surgery (p < .05). The demand at the fourth 4-hour period was lower among subjects undergoing myomectomy compared with cystectomy/salphingoophorectomy or hysterectomy (p = .045). Only a poor correlation was observed between pain intensity and analgesic usage. Postoperative pain intensity is influenced by the type of surgical incision but not the type of gynecologic surgery nor the duration of surgery. The relationship between subjective pain ratings with analgesic consumption is weak. Prolonged intraoperative administration of continuous IV fentanyl infusion may reduce fentanyl requirements in the immediate postoperative period.