A 43-year-old woman developed abdominal pain and diarrhea following a travel to Malaysia. Examinations in another hospital proved no evidence of infection, an empirical antibiotic therapy with ciprofloxacin yielded no benefit. One and a half year later, the patient was admitted to our department because of persistent diarrhea and wasting. Laboratory tests showed megaloblastic anemia, folate deficiency and steatorrhea. Stool specimens for bacterial pathogens and parasites were negative. Endoscopy and biopsy from the distal portion of the duodenum revealed broadening and shortening of the villi and an increased infiltration of the lamina propria by chronic inflammatory cells (plasma cells and lymphocytes). In conclusion, diagnosis of tropical sprue was established. The therapy comprised of tetracycline for six weeks and folic acid for six months. Subsequently, the diarrhea disappeared, the patient continuously gained weight and was free of any complaints. The complete remission following this regimen proved the suspected diagnosis. Differential diagnosis in any patient who recently returned from the tropics may be a challenge. Tropical sprue predominantly occurs during or after a longer stay in endemic areas. However, if chronic diarrhea and signs of malabsorption develop after a short journey to India, South-East Asia and parts of the Caribbean, tropical sprue has to be considered, too.
Investigations in 30 healthy control subjects of Indian, Chinese and Malay ethnic origin, revealed that all the Chinese and about two thirds of the Indians and Malays had a normal capacity to absorb D—xylose, Vitamin A, Co58 labelled Vitamin B12 and dietary fat. About a third of the Indians and Malays were unable to absorb one or two of the four test substances used in the absorption studies. Jejunal biopsies did not differ in the 3 ethnic groups and were normal or mildly abnormal. 27 patients presenting with anorexia, a sore tongue and pallor were also investigated. Indians formed the majority of the patients. Diarrhoea occurred in only 51 % of the patients. All had a megaloblastic anaemia. Absorption studies revealed malabsorption of xylose, Vitamin A and Vitamin B12 in the majority but steatorrhoea occurred in only 26% of the patients. Jejunal biopsies were mildly abnormal in 8% and moderately or severely abnormal in 92 % of the patients. All responded to folic acid or Vitamin B12 therapy. 16 patients were restudied after 5 to 24 months therapy and the majority were found to have improved. Results of investigations and response to therapy indicate that these patients were suffering from tropical sprue. These studies indicate that tropical sprue in Singapore affects Indians mainly and can often present without diarrhoea and steatorrhoea.