This study suggests the regression models of Lognormal, Normal and Gamma for the construction of an insurance scoring system. Comparison between Lognormal, Normal and Gamma regression models were also carried out, and the comparison were centered upon three main elements; fitting procedures, parameter estimates and structure of scores. The main advantage of utilizing a scoring system is that the system may be used by insurers to differentiate between good and bad insureds and thus allowing the profitability of insureds to be predicted.
The objective of this study was to identify the exogenous variables of risk and investment management efficiency by using a two-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA) method. The first stage involves obtaining the efficiency scores of risk and investment management via DEA that requires only the traditional inputs and outputs. In the second stage, the Tobit regression analysis is conducted in which the efficiency score obtained from the first stage is treated as a dependent variable, while the exogenous factors are considered to be independent variables. The exogenous factors consist of operating systems, organizational form, consumer preference and size. The results showed that the mutual company as well as the takaful system demonstrate better risk management performance than their stock and conventional system counterparts. In addition, size is also a significant indicator for risk management efficiency in which the larger insurer/takaful operator exhibits better risk management performance than the smaller one. However, consumer preference is found to be insignificantly correlated with the efficiency of risk management. In contrast, with risk management, organizational form, operating system and size are not indicators of the investment management efficiency, but consumer preference is significantly and positively associated with investment management efficiency.
The rise in obesity has fuelled the current debate of its classification as a disease. Contrary to just being a medical condition or a risk factor for other diseases, obesity is a complex disease with multifaceted aetiology as well as its own disabling capacities, pathophysiology, and comorbidities. The problem of obesity in Malaysia is serious and calls for active intervention by all stakeholders ranging from government agencies to insurers and healthcare providers. To aid efforts to curb obesity, this consensus statement for bariatric surgery provides a basis for inclusion and exclusion criteria as well as the types of procedures accepted as the norm in Malaysia. This consensus statement was initiated by the Society of Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgeons of Malaysia and was collaborated with representatives from the Ministry of Health Malaysia.
Over the last year, the dangerous severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has spread rapidly around the world. Malaysia has not been excluded from this COVID-19 pandemic. The resurgence of COVID-19 cases has overwhelmed the public healthcare system and overloaded the healthcare resources. Ministry of Health (MOH) Malaysia has adopted an Emergency Ordinance (EO) to instruct private hospitals to receive both COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients to reduce the strain on public facilities. The treatment of COVID-19 patients at private hospitals could help to boost the bed and critical care occupancy. However, with the absence of insurance coverage because COVID-19 is categorised as pandemic-related diseases, there are some challenges and opportunities posed by the treatment fees management. Another major issue in the collaboration between public and private hospitals is the willingness of private medical consultants to participate in the management of COVID-19 patients, because medical consultants in private hospitals in Malaysia are not hospital employees, but what are termed "private contractors" who provide patient care services to the hospitals. Other collaborative measures with private healthcare providers, e.g. tele-conferencing by private medical clinics to monitor COVID-19 patients and the rollout of national vaccination programme. The public and private healthcare partnership must be enhanced, and continue to find effective ways to collaborate further to combat the pandemic. The MOH, private healthcare sectors and insurance providers need to have a synergistic COVID-19 treatment plans to ensure public as well as insurance policy holders have equal opportunities for COVID-19 screening tests, vaccinations and treatment.