The benthic foraminiferal diversity index was computed from Beypore estuary sediments. The abundance and diversity of Quinqueloculina lata, Textularia agglutinans, Haplophagmoides canariensis, and Quinqueloculina stelligera were dominated by stress-tolerant taxa such as Ammonia tepida, A.parkinsoniana, Nonion grateloupi, and N. scaphum in the estuary. The small-size foraminifera probably perished in a juvenile stage because of the high temperature and low salinity that prevailed in the ecosystem. The dominance of stress tolerant benthic foraminifera and absence of Elphidium species in the estuary suggest the prevalence of hypoxic (low-oxygen) conditions. The consistent low-diversity index of foraminifera indicates that the ecosystem is moderate to highly stressed ecologically in the Beypore estuary. The application of benthic foraminifera as a bioindicator for assessing the environmental stress in the Beypore estuary is key in monitoring these fragile coastal ecosystems.
In this study we take a closer look at the diseases that afflicted Japanese police officers who were stationed in a remote mountainous region of Taiwan from 1921 to 1944. Samples were taken from the latrine at the Huabanuo police outpost, and analyzed for the eggs of intestinal parasites, using microscopy and ELISA. The eggs of Eurytrema sp., (possibly E. pancreaticum), whipworm and roundworm were shown to be present. True infection with Eurytrema would indicate that the policemen ate uncooked grasshoppers and crickets infected with the parasite. However, false parasitism might also occur if the policemen ate the uncooked intestines of infected cattle, and the Eurytrema eggs passed through the human intestines. These findings provide an insight into the diet and health of the Japanese colonists in Taiwan nearly a century ago.