Gallbladder tuberculosis (GT) is an extremely rare condition. This is thought to be due to the protective property of bile against the infection. Clinical and radiological diagnosis of GT is difficult. We describe a case of GT who initially presented to us with jaundice, a right hypochondrial mass and computed tomographic findings suggestive of gallbladder empyema. Diagnosis was made from histopathological examination of the resected gallbladder which revealed epitheloid granulomas with caseating necrosis and presence of Langhan's giant cells. From a literature search and to the best of our knowledge, this is the first GT to be reported in South East Asia.
The duodenum is the most common site of cholecystoenteric fistulation resulting from cholecystitis or empyema of the gallbladder. This rare condition is usually only diagnosed intraoperatively and managed incidentally. This paper presents the endoscopic diagnosis of a case of cholecystoduodenal fistula arising from the late presentation of empyema of the gallbladder and its subsequent drainage through the fistula. As far as we can determine, this is the only reported case of opportunistic drainage of an empyema of the gallbladder through a concurrent cholecystoduodenal fistula.
Twenty-seven cases of ascaris cholecystitis and cholangitis were managed in a surgical unit of a general hospital in Yangon, Myanmar, from January 1989 to March 1990. Nineteen women and eight men with a mean age of 42 years were studied. Main clinical manifestations were right hypochondrial pain, fever, chills, rigors, nausea, vomiting and jaundice. Diagnosis was established by abdominal ultrasonograms in all cases. Laparotomy was performed in all cases because of failure to respond to initial conservative treatment. Live and dead ascarids were found in the gall bladder and biliary ductal system. Cholecystectomy, bile duct exploration, worm extraction and T-tube drainage were done in all cases. There were no deaths. Two patients developed minor wound sepsis. During the follow-up period ranging from 3 to 12 months, there was no recurrence of symptoms in all patients. All patients were given antihelminthics before discharge and three weeks later.