Until 1970s, celiac disease (CD) was considered to be an uncommon disease except in Western Europe. The global epidemiology of CD continues to evolve with improvement in the diagnostic tests, simplification of the diagnostic criteria and increase in awareness about the disease. The Asian region is currently at the crossroads of the frontier of knowledge and awareness of CD. In many Asian nations, CD is still considered to be either nonexistent or very rare. A notable exception is India, where CD has been well recognized, especially in the northern part, and 2 population-based studies have revealed a prevalence of 0.3-1.04%. Initial reports from Malaysia, China, Japan and Singapore suggest the existence of CD in these countries. Furthermore, a meta-analysis of the predisposing factors predicts a high probability of occurrence of CD in fair numbers in China. There are no formal reports on CD from Malaysia, Indonesia, Korea, Taiwan and many other nations in this region. With the impending CD epidemic in Asia, there are many challenges. Some of the efforts which are required include determination of prevalence of CD across the region, spreading of awareness among physicians and patients, training of dieticians for proper counseling and supervision of patients, creation of gluten-free food infrastructure in the food supply and creation of patient advocacy organizations. Although the absolute number of patients with CD at present is not very large, this number is expected to increase over the next few years/decades. It is thus appropriate that the medical community across Asia define the extent of the problem and get prepared to handle the impending CD epidemic.
Celiac disease is a genetically determined disorder of the small intestine, occurring due to an immune response to ingested gluten-containing food. The resulting damage to the small intestinal mucosa hampers nutrient absorption, and is characterized by diarrhea, abdominal pain, and a variety of extra-intestinal manifestations. Invasive and costly methods such as endoscopic biopsy are currently used to diagnose celiac disease. Detection of the disease by histopathologic analysis of biopsies can be challenging due to suboptimal sampling. Video capsule images were obtained from celiac patients and controls for comparison and classification. This study exploits the use of DAISY descriptors to project two-dimensional images onto one-dimensional vectors. Shannon entropy is then used to extract features, after which a particle swarm optimization algorithm coupled with normalization is employed to select the 30 best features for classification. Statistical measures of this paradigm were tabulated. The accuracy, positive predictive value, sensitivity and specificity obtained in distinguishing celiac versus control video capsule images were 89.82%, 89.17%, 94.35% and 83.20% respectively, using the 10-fold cross-validation technique. When employing manual methods rather than the automated means described in this study, technical limitations and inconclusive results may hamper diagnosis. Our findings suggest that the computer-aided detection system presented herein can render diagnostic information, and thus may provide clinicians with an important tool to validate a diagnosis of celiac disease.