The involvement of women preachers in the field of preaching is also a major contributor to the process of delivering the preaching to the community. Thus, the importance of Islamic women's role in delivering the content of their preaching focused on aspects related to women and society based on the main sources of the Quran and the sunnah. Therefore, the objective of this study is to study the role of Muslim women in delivering the message of preaching to the community according to the Quranic perspective. This study uses qualitative method which is a documentary study which is accompanied by the arguments of the Quran, Hadith and the views of several commentators on the topic of the study. The study found that women play a very important role in communicating the message of faith such as issues of faith, sharia, morals and current issues of women and society based on the Quranic message. This is because the Muslim preacher's delivery is more personalized and influenced by a more feminine and family-oriented approach.
Often people hear the expression 'women are made from the ribs of the prophet Adam' in religious lectures or writings related to women and girls. However, to what extent these truths must be analysed and clarified so that they can clear up misunderstandings and negative stereotypes about Muslim women as if they were second-class creations. This is because, most of the people feel that it is part of the essence of the Quran and the Hadith, even though it is taken from the scriptures that you have heard, but its source is not explained every time it is mentioned or written. Therefore, this paper aims to identify its source and focus its discussion on its content from a scientific perspective and in line with scientific findings on the issue. It is hoped that through a paper based on the study of libraries in two areas, the science of revelation and science can contribute knowledge that is beneficial to the community in general and the Islamic world in particular.
Kertas ini mengkaji sumbangan Ibn Abī Dunyā (208-281/894) dalam mengembangkan pemikiran tasawuf Islam dan peranannya dalam merumuskan falsafah kesufian yang diungkapkan oleh ahli-ahli sufi yang besar yang berkembang dengan meluas di abad ke 3 Hijrah. Penulisan dan karya-karya tasawuf yang dihasilkan oleh Ibn Abī Dunyā banyak memberikan pengaruh kepada perkembangan ilmu tasawuf di abad pertengahan dan pemikirannya dikutip oleh ulama sufi yang muktabar yang mengasaskan manhaj kesufian Islam yang utama seperti Imām al-Ghazālī, al-Qushayrī, al-Shādhilī, Ibn ‘Arabī, al-Sulamī, al-Kutubī, al-Birgivī dan sebagainya. Cetusan dan fikrah tasawuf yang digagaskannya dizahirkan dalam karya-karyanya yang monumental seperti Dhamm al-Dunyā, Dhamm al-Malāḥī, al-‘Uqūbāt, al-Jū‘, Makārim al-Akhlāq, al-Riqqah wa’l-Bukā’, al-Ṣabr, Iṣṭinā‘ al-Ma‘rūf, al-Muḥtaḍirīn, al-Mutamannīn, Ṣifat al-Nār dan sebagainya. Kertas ini akan menganalisis pemikiran dan sumbangannya yang signifikan ini dalam disiplin tasawuf dan melihat relevensinya dengan idealisme tasawuf moden.